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The Triple Alliance of 1788 was a military alliance between Great Britain, Prussia and the Dutch Republic. Great Britain saw it as necessary to maintain the balance of power, and Prussia was hoping for the territorial gains. The alliance was primarily aimed at the Russian Empire, which stood to increase its influence with its looming victory over the Ottoman Empire. Due to efforts of Russian diplomacy, particularly in fostering parliamentary dissent in Great Britain, where the main proponent of action against Russia, William Pitt the Younger, lost support, the Alliance fell apart before it was ready to engage in planned military action against Russia. The destruction of the Triple Alliance is considered a major success of the Russian diplomacy.

Property Value
  • La Triple-Alliance était une alliance militaire créée en 1788 entre la Grande-Bretagne, la Prusse et les Provinces-Unies. La Grande-Bretagne voyait cette alliance nécessaire pour maintenir un équilibre des pouvoirs alors que la Prusse espérait une expansion de son territoire. L'alliance était principalement pour lutter contre l'Empire russe, renforcé par sa victoire sur l'Empire ottoman au cours de la Guerre russo-turque de 1787-1792. En raison des efforts déployés par la diplomatie russe, notamment en favorisant les contestations parlementaires en Grande-Bretagne, où les principaux défenseurs d'une action contre la Russie, notamment le Premier ministre William Pitt le Jeune, ont perdu peu à peu leurs soutiens, et ce qui conduit à l'effondrement de l'alliance avant une quelconque opération militaire en Russie. La destruction de la Triple Alliance est considérée comme un succès majeur de la diplomatie russe. * Portail de l’histoire militaire (fr)
  • The Triple Alliance of 1788 was a military alliance between Great Britain, Prussia and the Dutch Republic. Great Britain saw it as necessary to maintain the balance of power, and Prussia was hoping for the territorial gains. The alliance was primarily aimed at the Russian Empire, which stood to increase its influence with its looming victory over the Ottoman Empire. Due to efforts of Russian diplomacy, particularly in fostering parliamentary dissent in Great Britain, where the main proponent of action against Russia, William Pitt the Younger, lost support, the Alliance fell apart before it was ready to engage in planned military action against Russia. The destruction of the Triple Alliance is considered a major success of the Russian diplomacy. (en)
  • La Triplice Alleanza del 1788 fu un'alleanza tra Inghilterra, Prussia e Province Unite. Venne formata per impedire alla Francia di diventare una superpotenza in Europa. (it)
  • 1788年の三国同盟 (英語: Triple Alliance)は、イギリス、プロイセン、ネーデルラント連邦共和国の間で結ばれた同盟である。本来の目的は、オスマン帝国との戦争で優位に立ったロシア帝国の強大化に対抗することであった。またイギリスは大陸の勢力均衡を望み、プロイセンは同盟を背景とした領土拡大を目論んでいた。両国は対ロシア宣戦の寸前まで進んだが、ロシアの外交努力の結果、イギリス国内で小ピット政権に対する反抗が起き、結局この同盟はロシアに対する軍事行動を始める前に瓦解した。 (ja)
  • 490549 (xsd:integer)
  • 14030 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1066286334 (xsd:integer)
  • The Triple Alliance of 1788 was a military alliance between Great Britain, Prussia and the Dutch Republic. Great Britain saw it as necessary to maintain the balance of power, and Prussia was hoping for the territorial gains. The alliance was primarily aimed at the Russian Empire, which stood to increase its influence with its looming victory over the Ottoman Empire. Due to efforts of Russian diplomacy, particularly in fostering parliamentary dissent in Great Britain, where the main proponent of action against Russia, William Pitt the Younger, lost support, the Alliance fell apart before it was ready to engage in planned military action against Russia. The destruction of the Triple Alliance is considered a major success of the Russian diplomacy. (en)
  • La Triplice Alleanza del 1788 fu un'alleanza tra Inghilterra, Prussia e Province Unite. Venne formata per impedire alla Francia di diventare una superpotenza in Europa. (it)
  • 1788年の三国同盟 (英語: Triple Alliance)は、イギリス、プロイセン、ネーデルラント連邦共和国の間で結ばれた同盟である。本来の目的は、オスマン帝国との戦争で優位に立ったロシア帝国の強大化に対抗することであった。またイギリスは大陸の勢力均衡を望み、プロイセンは同盟を背景とした領土拡大を目論んでいた。両国は対ロシア宣戦の寸前まで進んだが、ロシアの外交努力の結果、イギリス国内で小ピット政権に対する反抗が起き、結局この同盟はロシアに対する軍事行動を始める前に瓦解した。 (ja)
  • La Triple-Alliance était une alliance militaire créée en 1788 entre la Grande-Bretagne, la Prusse et les Provinces-Unies. La Grande-Bretagne voyait cette alliance nécessaire pour maintenir un équilibre des pouvoirs alors que la Prusse espérait une expansion de son territoire. * Portail de l’histoire militaire (fr)
  • Triple-Alliance (1788) (fr)
  • Triplice alleanza (1788) (it)
  • 三国同盟 (1788年) (ja)
  • Triple Alliance (1788) (en)
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