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Last Updated: Thursday, 17 January 2008, 17:03 GMT
In Pictures: Heathrow crash-landing

The crashed plane at Heathrow

A passenger plane has made a dramatic emergency landing at London's Heathrow Airport - one of the busiest in the world.

The crashed plane at Heathrow

The British Airways Boeing 777, arriving from Beijing, crash-landed on the grass short of the runway, skidding onto the tarmac before coming to a halt.

A damaged wing of the plane

The plane's undercarriage, wings and engine were seriously damaged in the incident which happened at 1242 GMT.

Damaged wheels

The plane's wheels came off after it touched down on the grass.

Fire officers by the plane

All 136 passengers and 16 crew on board the BA flight BA038 escaped down emergency chutes. Six people were being treated for minor injuries.

Fire services working near the plane

The emergency services doused the undercarriage of the plane.

The stricken plane on the runway

Six ambulances and all of the airport's fire engines were sent to the scene.

The damaged plane is seen in the background

The plane landed not far from the airport's perimeter road. Police said it was not a terror-related incident.

The stricken plane

Passenger Fernando Prada told the BBC there "was no panic at all" and all the people were off the plane within three minutes. He said surviving was like winning the lottery.

Fire crews by the stricken plane

Crash eyewitness Steve Bell told the BBC that fire crews arrived "within minutes and evacuated all the passengers".

The crashed BA plane

From the rear, the damage to the undercarriage is clearly visible. Eyewitness Royston Weyman told the BBC he saw the plane approach the runway at "a funny angle".

The crashed plane on the runway

Prime Minister Gordon Brown was on a plane at the airport when the incident happened.

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