Is it possible to extend two views and use a LookML parameter in the extended view?

I have two views:

  • country.view
view: country {
sql_table_name: my_project.my_dataset.country_table ;;

dimension: geo_country {
type: string
sql: ${TABLE}.Geo_Country ;;

dimension: dim_spend {
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.Spend ;;
hidden: yes

measure: spend {
type: sum
sql: ${dim_spend} ;;

  • county.view
view: county {
sql_table_name: my_project.my_dataset.county_table ;;

dimension: geo_county {
type: string
sql: ${TABLE}.Geo_County ;;

dimension: dim_spend {
type: number
sql: ${TABLE}.Spend ;;
hidden: yes

measure: spend {
type: sum
sql: ${dim_spend} ;;

I created a view called demo_extensions.view (which extends country.view and county.view) with a parameter inside to filter by country or county. Here the code:

include: "country.view.lkml"
include: "county.view.lkml"

view: demo_extensions {
extends: [country, county]

parameter: dimension_picker {
type: unquoted
allowed_value: {
label: "Country"
value: "Country"
allowed_value: {
label: "County"
value: "County"

dimension: dimension_from_picker {
sql: {% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %} ${geo_country}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %} ${geo_county}
{% endif %};;

dimension: geo_country {
type: string

dimension: geo_county {
type: string

measure: spend {
type: sum

When i explore demo_extensions and filter by "Country" using the filter created via parameter, this error returns:

Query execution failed: - Name Geo_Country not found inside demo_extensions

The query executed is this:

demo_extensions.Geo_Country AS demo_extensions_dimension_from_picker
FROM project.dataset.county_table AS demo_extensions

I don't understand why it takes from the second extended view (county) and not from the first (country).

I've read in the documentation that in case of conflicts between elements in the extends parameter, the last element is given priority. But if so, what conflicts are there in my code?
Can someone help me?

Thank you!

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Hi Greta,

Actually you don’t need to go with extensions to do what you want to do.

Just use a single view with the liquid code into the `sql_table_name:` tag. You even could also use the liquid into each dimension if the column names from `country` and `county` tables would be different in some cases.

view: county_or_country {
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}

parameter: dimension_picker {
type: unquoted
allowed_value: {
label: "Country"
value: "Country"
allowed_value: {
label: "County"
value: "County"

dimension: dim_country {
type: string
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}
hidden: yes

dimension: dim_county {
type: string
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}
hidden: yes

dimension: dim_county_or_country {
type: string
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}
hidden: yes


Hope this helps.

View solution in original post


I think you may be confusing extends with joins a little bit. Extend can only have one table (sql_table_name) not two, therefore your second one overwrites the first one. However it tries to take the fields from country view but from county table. 

In this case you may want to create the so called “bare view” that contains parameters only (no sql_table_name), join it to the explore, and use that parameter in the views. I do that with my calendar parameters

Thanks for your answer!
Actually in the documentation i read that the extends parameter accepts a comma-separated list of view names. Documentation here:

That’s true but later on you can read this:


Which means that the extends are just useful DRY references of fields to be taken from a table of the view that uses extends. In your case that view is missing the table (demo_extensions) so it takes the latest one.

Sorry but i still don't understand. Could you give me an example of code that you think can work?

I thank you

Basically, forget about extends, just build an explore using joins just like you would query those tables in a normal SQL query

Hi Greta,

Actually you don’t need to go with extensions to do what you want to do.

Just use a single view with the liquid code into the `sql_table_name:` tag. You even could also use the liquid into each dimension if the column names from `country` and `county` tables would be different in some cases.

view: county_or_country {
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}

parameter: dimension_picker {
type: unquoted
allowed_value: {
label: "Country"
value: "Country"
allowed_value: {
label: "County"
value: "County"

dimension: dim_country {
type: string
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}
hidden: yes

dimension: dim_county {
type: string
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}
hidden: yes

dimension: dim_county_or_country {
type: string
{% if dimension_picker._parameter_value == "Country" %}
{% elsif dimension_picker._parameter_value == "County" %}
{% endif %}
hidden: yes


Hope this helps.

Thank you! It was very helpful!

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