Customer Success Newsletter - December 2021

Hello Lookers,

We wish you a festive and joyous holiday season! Thank you for a great 2021, and we look forward to partnering with you next year. We do not have a release in December, so this newsletter will omit our usual release highlights.

Looker Community Spotlight: Community Groups

Did you know that we have  four Looker Community Groups? These are sub-groups within the larger Community, focused on different topics. Find out more about each community group by clicking on the links below. Please join the group(s) you are interested in! 

  • Data Explorers Guild: Data-driven people come together to learn from peers, share experiences with data, and explore fun datasets in a collaborative environment. 

  • Early Access Group: Eager customers can stay up to date on the latest features and try them out before the general population. 

  • Looker Adoption: All things Looker adoption, enablement and change management. 

  • Platform Developers: Nurtures our application developer community - this means a heavy focus on topics such as APIs, the extension framework, embedding, and components. 

What’s New In Looker?

Did you miss the webinar, and want to listen? Register and watch on demand here.

Tips and Tricks ?

Wondering how to improve the performance of your instance? Check out these Best Practices on optimizing your performance via our Community page.

See you next year,

Your Looker Customer Success Team

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