Lumonics Optics Group: Unique. Precise. Responsive.


Lumonics Optics Group is a world leader in the design and manufacture of custom optics. We provide scientific and industrial markets with the best in high-precision optical components and specialized filters. At Lumonics Optics Group, you get the best technology and the best craftsmanship, which means you get the best custom optics solution.


We'll provide exactly what you want. Precisely when you want it.


While we produce rapid prototypes and small production lots of optics,we also have the production and administrative resources to move your product from development to production. In this way, we become more than just a supplier. We become a partner. We've built this kind of partnership with a number of our customers.


We work with the widest variety of materials.


We make our optics from most optical substrate materials, including germanium, zinc selenide and alkali halide salts for use at infrared wavelengths; fused silica and fluoride crystals for excimer and ultraviolet applications; conventional glasses at visible wavelengths; and metallic substrates for reflective optics.

If you don't see a particular substrate material in the list below, ask us about it. We've likely worked with it, or can do so if needed.

Crystals and glasses:

  • fused silica
  • conventional glasses
  • crystal quartz
  • silicon
  • germanium
  • zinc selenide
  • zinc sulfide
  • magnesium fluoride
  • calcium fluoride
  • barium fluoride

Metals and plastics:

  • aluminum
  • copper
  • brass
  • nickel, acrylic
  • Acrylic

Hygroscopic materials:

  • NaCl
  • KCl
  • KBr
  • CsI
  • KDP

And as for wavelengths, we cover the spectrum.

Our components and thin films are used at all common wavelengths including excimers in the deep ultra violet, ion lasers in the visible, YAG systems in the near infra-red and CO2 lasers in the mid infra-red at 10.6µ.

A Lumonics specialist polishes magnesium fluoride laser output couplers for an industrial excimer laser.

Hand-polishing skills combine with computer-controlled shaping to fashion a custom prism.

An engineer with Lumonics Optics Group uses diamond turning to produce a pair of 200 mm diameter off-axisparabolic mirrors with a surface figure of better than one wavelength over the entire optical surface.

An engineer uses an atomic force microscope to evaluate the growth structure and surface roughness of mirror coatings and substrates that will eventuallyform part of a high-power YAG laser beam delivery system.

This advanced phase measuring interferometer is used to monitor processes and to document the final form of finished optics.

A Lumonics engineer uses a plasma enhanced vacuum deposition system to deposit sophisticated high density thin films. Advanced coatings produced with this system exhibit a high degree of spectral stability with time as well as temperature and humidity changes. These properties are critical to many applications.

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