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Socialist Outlook

First edition just published. The ISG has launched a new quarterly journal, reviving the name Socialist Outlook, looking in depth at issues being raised in the anti-capitalist, anti-war, labour and trade union movements. Get your copy now.

Issue 001 :

Irag: the Quagmire

US imperialism and the New American Century - Alan Thornett
The Anti-War Movement in Britain - Karen O'Toole
War on Terror: Death to Civil Liberties - Sam Feeney
The End of Zionism? - Roland Rance

theory and history
Capitalism means War - Dave Packer
Why Individual Terrorism is not the Answer - David Coen
Peaceful Women/Warring Men? - Jane Kelly

Fear and Loathing on Airstrip One - Andrew Kennedy
The Imigration Myth Exposed

UK - one year/four issues inc p&p - £10
Europe - one year/four issues inc p&p - £12
International - one year/four issues inc p&p - £13.50

Send your name and address and a cheque made payable to T1 Research to:
Socialist Outlook, PO Box 1109, London N4 2UU - please pay in sterling.

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