The Cello Internet Browser

This file was last updated on April 9, 1994.

The latest edition of Cello is version 1.01a.

What Cello is and does

Cello is a multipurpose Internet browser which allows access to the myriad information resources of the Internet. It supports WorldWideWeb, Gopher, FTP, CSO/ph/qi, and Usenet News retrievals natively, and other protocols (WAIS, Hytelnet, Telnet, and TN3270) through external clients and public gateways. It can be used to view hypermedia documents, including inlined images, text, and digital sounds and movies. Cello was developed by Thomas R. Bruce of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School.

What you need to run Cello.

Cello runs under Microsoft Windows on any IBM PC with a 386SX chip or better. While we have run Cello with only 2MB of RAM on a 386SX-16 machine, we think you'll like it better on a machine with more memory and a faster chip.

You'll also need Winsock software from another source, either software supplied by your network vendor or a publicly-available package such as Peter Tattam's Trumpet Winsock. Cello has been used successfully with Winsocks from all leading software vendors.

Like all Internet applications, Cello runs best with a direct Ethernet connection to the Net, but it has also been designed for good performance via SLIP and PPP dialup connections through the use of asynchronous sockets, file caching, a "peek mode" which allows partial retrieval of documents you're not sure you want, and the ability to shut off retrieval of bandwidth-intensive inlined graphics


Getting help with Cello

There are three excellent sources for help with Cello:
Online help
Cello's online help file contains a great deal of information about how to use Cello and how to solve problems you might encounter with it. The items in the "How do I..." section and the explanations of error messages can be very useful if you're having trouble.
The Cello FAQ
The Cello FAQ can be viewed by clicking here. It contains up-to-date information on commonly-encountered problems. The FAQ editors are in the process of adding information about specific configurations to the document.
Other Cellists.
Discussion of Cello tricks, traps, and features takes place on a listserv list called CELLO-L. This is often the best place to go for information about specific configuration and networking problems. Many of the list subscribers have been using Cello since early alpha testing and are quite knowledgeable about it. It is also a great place to propose new features for future versions and find out about other Web tools for serving and accessing information under MS-Windows. There is also an archive of CELLO-L messages which is text searchable.
In addition, the following newsgroups may help with general information about Winsock, networking on PCs, and the Web:

Tools for use with Cello

Cello is well-integrated with other software tools which you can use to prepare HTML documents, serve WWW information, view graphics from the Net, listen to digital sound files, and many other things. One section of the FAQ is devoted to a list of the latest and greatest of these, and you will want to check it from time to time. Also, a great deal of MS-Windows software is available from This site is very busy, and you may not get an anonymous login immediately. However, many other sites mirror the CICA collection.

Reporting bugs

We hope you don't have any trouble using Cello, but if you do, send us mail at, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can.

Enjoy Cello!

Windows bitmap of the LII logoNote: this image may not be visible with all Web browsers