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Daggett Wins the Final Debate.
Daggett is at 20% - Only candidate with upward momentum.
Recorder Newspapers endorse Daggett.
PolitickerNJ -Why Daggett Will Win
The Star Ledger endorses Daggett

Vote Your Conscience published an analysis of why the Daggett campaign continues to gather steam, and why NJ residents should vote for Chris.

Daggett Will Win This Election
Murray Sabrin gives a serious analysis as to why Chris Daggett should and will win this gubernatorial election.

Daggett Wins Final Debate
Chris Daggett once again showed why he is the only real candidate offering hope for New Jersey. Listen to the whole debate, and get times of when to watch it on television.

Daggett at 20%
A poll released today found Christopher Daggett at 20%, but most likely over

Recorder Newspapers Endorse Daggett
"Daggett’s willingness to offer a detailed plan on how to cut property taxes and begin to address the state’s upcoming budget crisis and long-term debt contrast sharply with both Corzine, who is running on his record, and Republican Chris Christie." ~The Recorder Newspapers

Hungary Revolution
Bea Daggett offers some insights and memories on the anniversary of the Hungary Revolution, what it meant to her family then - and the values that it instills today.

Daggett Delivers in Debate
Daggett, the only candidate with specific plans to solve New Jersey’s ills, clearly won the 2nd gubernatorial debate. .

The Star Ledger ENDORSES Daggett
The Daggett Tax Plan helps earn the endorsement of NJ's largest newspaper, The Star-Ledger, which recommends his election as the next governor of New Jersey.

Chris Daggett has proposed a fundamental restructuring of the state’s tax system, changes that will deliver up to a 25 percent property tax cut to all New Jersey homeowners.

No, It’s Not a Wasted Vote
You've been asking and we have the answers. Read more about why it's not a wasted vote!

Daggett Wins Debate
Read how the major news sources are giving Chris Daggett a major win in the first gubernatorial debate.

Ballot Placement
PolitickerNJ offers readers some insight into how the ballot placement process works in NJ.

Campaign Theme Song
The Daggett Campaign released their campaign theme song with a music video, take a look and a listen.

Mock Debate Video
They're back! The Republican and Democratic look alikes from the first Daggett commercial are back!

Campaign Conundrum

Why won't Jon Corzine and Chris Christie discuss tax reform for New Jersey?

DFG Calendar
Please find the DFG events planned for this month. Plan ahead and let us know what events you can attend.

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Sign The Declaration
Sign a Declaration of Independence. Rebel against a two party system that has failed New Jersey residents for decades.
Christie Campaign is Toast
Chris Daggett says what everyone else is thinking: the Christie campaign is finished.

Daily Journal Endorsement
The Daily Journal of New Jersey offers a strong endorse of Chris Daggett for governor of NJ.

Daggett Dominates Debate
"Mr. Daggett slashed freely, assailing the Democratic governor’s “failed fiscal policies” and saying that Mr. Christie’s campaign lacked 'substance' and 'intellectual integrity'." ~New York Times

Profile of an Independent
"Daggett pitches himself as an alternative to politics as usual, and throughout his campaign he has offered one jaw-dropping idea after another."~Philadelphia Inquirer

Lou Dobbs Interview
Read the transcript of the Lou Dobbs interview from CNN.

Wall Street Journal
"...Chris Daggett, whose economic reform proposals have been as specific as Mr. Christie's have been vague."~ The Wall Street Journal

Daggett Offers A Plan
"Independent gubernatorial candidate Chris Daggett has a message for skeptical voters: Neither Democrats nor Republicans in the State House have made a dent in their tax burden." ~Courier Post

NJBIZ, New Jersey's only weekly business journal covering the entire state, covered Chris Daggett.

The 2nd Debate
As NBC news reported, "Daggers Come Out at NJ Governor Race Debate". Read what the news media is reporting about Daggett around the state and around the nation.

Your Financial Health
Chris Daggett was interviewed by Michael Gidro on "Your Financial Health".

Bergen Record
Chris Daggett sat down for an extended Q&A with The Bergen Record.

On The Rise
Chris Daggett polls at 17% without his name being mentioned. Twenty-eight percent (28%) of voters now say they’d consider Daggett.

History is Our Witness
Read what the political pundits are saying about Chris Daggett.

Mr. Daggett Goes to Trenton
"Mr. Daggett is being greeted at times like a Jimmy Stewart character in a Frank Capra film." ~The New York Times

CBS Washington News
The Daggett campaign is attracting national media attention with an extended interview on CBS Washington Unplugged.

The Star Ledger ENDORSES Daggett
The Daggett Tax Plan helps earn the endorsement of NJ's largest newspaper, The Star-Ledger, which recommends his election as the next governor of New Jersey.

Speak to Chris Daggett

Raise Your Voice
Ask Chris a question about problems, solutions, and whatever is on your mind.