E-Mail: rory@tfa.net
Tel: 020 7484 5475
Media Enquiries (24hr): 07557 772540

Who We Are

Better Off Out is a cross-party campaign group that works to take Britain out of the European Union. While we have supporters from politicians, business leaders and academics, our primary focus is on working with the great British public. We campaign right across the UK – manning market stalls, delivering leaflets and engaging with the public in every corner of the UK.


Better Off Out was founded in 2006 by The Freedom Association as a response to the proposed Constitutional Treaty (now reborn as the Lisbon Treaty) that legitimised further levels of integration into “the European Project”.

Since then, Better Off Out has looked to put the positive case for why the UK should be independent of the European Union.

Whether it be concerning democracy, immigration, taxation or trade, the campaign has looked to illustrate what the effects of the EU are on the United Kingdom and how the UK could change for the better. This has led to a range of thought-provoking publications (see research) that have illustrated the binds that the EU have placed the UK in – and how freedom from these could lead to a brighter future for the UK and its people.

The Better Off Out campaign believes that we can break free of the EU’s control and embrace a global future based on the rules formed by an forward thinking and confident country. The campaign is outward looking and takes its argument to the political establishment through all media outlets that are available to it.

The campaign is based on a trust in the British people and we feel that, outside the EU, the United Kingdom’s future remains bright. Better Off Out believes that – free from the EU – we can reconnect with our common allies and friends across the globe. We hope that you will join the campaign and help to realise this and create a better Britain.