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The business community

The Better Off Out campaign is supported by thousands of ordinary people, as well as some MPs, Lords, journalists and opinion formers. Below are quotes from some in the business world on why they believe we would all be BETTER OFF OUT:



“I want to keep EFTA, European free trade and free movement of peoples but I don’t see that we need to be dominated and bullied by the Germans … I would change our immigration laws to allow the right sort of people to stay here, people we desperately need.” Sir James Dyson, inventor, industrial designer and founder of the Dyson company.


“Supranational organisations, overly bureaucratic corporations and undemocratic political unions will struggle increasingly to achieve progress. Scale is often neither the best nor the most human way to operate… I am certainly not a backward-looking “little Englander”. On the contrary, I have great confidence that Britain and the British people could thrive outside the EU.” Helena Morrissey CBE, CEO of Newton Investment Management and founder of the 30% Club.

terry smith

“In being a member of the EU, we are a member of what is, and what will increasingly become, the world’s least competitive trade block. If we weren’t in we could actually enjoy the benefits of free trade.”  Terry Smith, CEO of Tullett Prebon


”We didn’t sign up to losing our identity. We want the freedom to be different … every year we find a further slice of our life is being dictated from Brussels in a parliament we seldom see by politicians few of us know (can you name your MEP?).” John Timpson, CEO and owner of Timpson Ltd.