An Entity of Type: reptile, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Book of Mozilla is a computer Easter egg found in the Netscape, Mozilla, SeaMonkey and Firefox series of web browsers.It is viewed by directing the browser to about:mozilla. There is no real book titled The Book of Mozilla. However, apparent quotations hidden in Netscape and Mozilla give this impression by revealing passages in the style of apocalyptic literature, such as the Book of Revelation in the Bible. When about:mozilla is typed into the location bar, various versions of these browsers display a cryptic message in white text on a maroon background in the browser window.

Property Value
  • Kniha Mozilly (The Book of Mozilla) je velikonoční vajíčko v Netscape, Mozilla Suite a odvozených prohlížečích. (cs)
  • كتاب موزيلا هو إيستر إيغ معلوماتية، توجد بالمتصفحات نتسكيب نافيجاتور وموزيلا فيرفكس وقارئ البريد سي منكي (ar)
  • Das Buch Mozilla ist ein fiktives Buch der Bibel, aus dem auf einer Bildschirmseite in Form eines Computer-Easter-Eggs sowohl im Netscape Navigator als auch in den Webbrowsern von Mozilla zitiert wird. (de)
  • El libro de Mozilla es un conocido Huevo de Pascua informático que se encuentra en los navegadores Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox (y sus forks), Minimo, Flock y SeaMonkey; además del navegador interno de Songbird. (es)
  • Le livre de Mozilla est un easter egg informatique, trouvable dans Netscape, Mozilla, SeaMonkey et Firefox. (fr)
  • The Book of Mozilla is a computer Easter egg found in the Netscape, Mozilla, SeaMonkey and Firefox series of web browsers.It is viewed by directing the browser to about:mozilla. There is no real book titled The Book of Mozilla. However, apparent quotations hidden in Netscape and Mozilla give this impression by revealing passages in the style of apocalyptic literature, such as the Book of Revelation in the Bible. When about:mozilla is typed into the location bar, various versions of these browsers display a cryptic message in white text on a maroon background in the browser window. There are eight official verses of The Book of Mozilla which have been included in shipping releases, although various unofficial verses can be found on the Internet. All eight official verses have scriptural chapter and verse references, although these are actually references to important dates in the history of Netscape and Mozilla. The eight verses all refer to the activities of a fearsome-sounding "beast". In its early days, Netscape Communications had a green fire-breathing dragon-like lizard mascot, known as Mozilla (after the code name for Netscape Navigator 1.0). From this, it can be conjectured that the "beast" referred to in The Book of Mozilla is a type of fire-breathing lizard, which can be viewed as a metaphor for, or personification of Netscape. While part of the appeal of The Book of Mozilla comes from the mysterious nature, a knowledge of the history of Netscape and Mozilla can be used to extract some meaning from the verses. Furthermore, the Book of Mozilla page has annotations for each of the first, second, third and fifth verses hidden as comments in its HTML source code. These comments were written by Valerio Capello in May 2004 and were added to the Mozilla Foundation site by Nicholas Bebout in October that year. Neither Capello nor Bebout are 'core' Mozilla decision-makers; and there is no evidence that Capello's interpretations received any high-level approval from the senior management of the Mozilla Foundation. (en)
  • 《모질라서》(The Book of Mozilla)는 넷스케이프와 모질라 계열의 웹 브라우저에 있는 유명한 이스터 에그이다. 이 이스터 에그는 주소 창에서 about:mozilla를 입력해서 볼 수 있으며, 《모질라서》라 불리는 가상의 책에 있는 내용을 보여 준다. (ko)
  • Il libro di Mozilla (The Book of Mozilla) è un easter egg presente nei browser Netscape e Mozilla che parla, in maniera goliardica e scherzosa, della guerra dei browser sostenuta da Netscape prima e da Firefox poi contro Internet Explorer. (it)
  • O Livro de Mozilla (originalmente: The Book of Mozilla) é um easter egg encontrado nos navegadores de internet Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, SeaMonkey e K-Meleon. Pode ser visto quando na barra de endereços é digitado about:mozilla . Trata-se de informações em uma linguagem aparentemente antiga e religiosa. O conteúdo pode variar muito, dependendo de qual navegador e versão o usuário esteja utilizando. Os textos são apresentados na cor branca sobre fundo colorido (vinho ou azul). No final sempre está escrito: from The Book of Mozilla, (de O Livro de Mozilla,) e depois da vírgula são mostrados algo como capítulo e versículo. Não existe nenhum livro com o título The Book of Mozilla em realidade. Entretanto, as mensagens a ele associadas, semelhantes em estrutura às do livro bíblico do Apocalipse, retratam, embora de forma velada e via parábolas, fatos ou ocorrências marcantes na história do navegador ou da fundação em questão. Há seis versões oficiais dos textos (além de várias outras, apócrifas); em ordem cronológica: 12:10, 3:31, 7:15, 11:1, 11:9 e 15:1. Como não há de fato um livro, a numeração de "capítulo e versículo" faz referência em verdade ao mês e ao dia da ocorrência real do evento aludido no respectivo versículo; podendo a ordem mês:dia figurar invertida nas traduções ao português. (pt)
  • Księga Mozilli – komputerowy easter egg w przeglądarkach Netscape Navigator, Firefox, SeaMonkey i Mozilla Application Suite. Po wpisaniu about:mozilla do paska adresu URL, przeglądarka wyświetli jeden z fragmentów księgi jako biały tekst na wiśniowym tle. Tak naprawdę nie istnieje żadna książka zatytułowana Księga Mozilli. Jednakże niektóre żartobliwe cytaty mogą istnienie takiej księgi sugerować. Cytaty te luźno nawiązują do motywu apokalipsy. (pl)
  • The Book of Mozilla är ett så kallat påskägg i webbläsaren Netscape och Mozilla.Man kan finna detta påskägget genom att besöka about:mozilla i Netscape eller Mozilla Firefox. Beroende på vilken webbläsare och version man använder så kommer man att kunna läsa en av följande texter: (sv)
  • Книга Mozilla или Книга Мозиллы (англ. The Book of Mozilla) — пасхальное яйцо, встроенное в браузеры серии Netscape и Mozilla, и программы, основанные на них. Впервые появилось в браузере Netscape 1.1, выпущенном в 1995 году. (ru)
  • Книга Mozilla або Книга Мозілли (англ. The Book of Mozilla) — великоднє яйце, вбудоване в браузери серії Netscape та Mozilla, і програм, засновані на них. Вперше з'явилось в браузері Netscape 1.1, випущеному в 1995 році. (uk)
  • Mozilla之書(英語:The Book of Mozilla)是Netscape和Mozilla系列網頁瀏覽器中著名的復活節彩蛋。使用者只需在網頁瀏覽器的網址列中键入about:mozilla就可以看到這本《Mozilla之书》。 (zh)
  • 420739 (xsd:integer)
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  • 211.0
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  • from The Book of Mozilla, 11:1 (en)
  • from The Book of Mozilla, 11:9 (en)
  • from The Book of Mozilla, 15:1 (en)
  • from The Chronicles of the Pale Moon, 55:2 (en)
  • from The Chronicles of the Pale Moon, 66:1 (en)
  • from the Chronicles of the Pale Moon, 24:2 (en)
  • from the Chronicles of the Pale Moon, 27:1 (en)
  • The of Mammon quarrelled. Their warring plunged the world into a , and the beast abhorred the darkness. So it began to move , and grew more powerful, and went forth and multiplied. And the beasts brought and light to the darkness. (en)
  • And thus the Creator looked upon the beast reborn and saw that it was good. (en)
  • And so at last the beast and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a . The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast and upon them. For the beast had been with its strength , and the followers of cowered in horror. (en)
  • And so, our focus was drawn through time and space to the who would not abandon hope. Its resilience, stubbornness and spirit unbroken, and searching for long hours to find those willing to its cause. The old nest abandoned, the death throes of the Beast ignored, and more determined than ever to find glory in the future. (en)
  • And thus the beast grew powerful, and and swept the land. But stirred in their hearts, and the beast , and its arose, and commanded "thou shalt not fly in my name." And the blazes shall , and the souls of the followers of shall learn to in the face of as they did before the . (en)
  • The Beast continued its studies with renewed , building great works and contemplating new . The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through means, sent it out across the world. (en)
  • The as time went on: flowing, twisting, corrupting. The dull sheen of shining through everywhere. In the trees, roots, animals, and even the that had always been an . Still, our dragon continued, untainted and resolute, soaring above. There would be a home yet, , a place for all those not given in to this invading force that was the world. (en)
  • The Beast adopted and studied the ways of and and and the of energy through the Universe. From its studies, the Beast fashioned new structures from and proclaimed their glories. And the Beast's followers rejoiced, finding renewed purpose in these . (en)
  • And when the Beast had taken the quarter of the Earth under its rule, a quarter hundred of Sulfur flew from the Depths. The birds crossed hundreds of mountain views and found twenty four wise men who came from the . And it began, the believers dared to . Then, they took their pens and dared to . Finally, they dared to their deed with the whole of mankind. Spreading words of and breaking the chains, the birds brought deliverance to everyone. (en)
  • And the beast shall be made . Its numbers shall be increased a fold. The din of a million keyboards like unto a great shall cover the earth, and the followers of Mammon shall . (en)
  • The stumbled in the dark for it could no longer see the . It started to and weaken, trying to reshape itself into the form of . Even the witches would no longer lay eyes upon it, for it had become and . The of the Beast seemed forever. Then, by the s light, a was born; a child with the soul of the that would make all others in comparison. (en)
  • The child , its soul burning with curiosity and . Growing and into a completely different than its ancestor. Slowly and steadily shedding its ancestor's form, alike a growing up. Expelling parts of the but embracing others. The Dragon , but never stopped . It kept with its nature and those who would gaze upon its growing form. Not everyone could on the path taken, as the old bed of was left behind for a new world. (en)
  • And the beast shall come forth surrounded by a roiling of . The house of the unbelievers shall be and they shall be to the earth. Their tags shall until the end of . (en)
  • Mammon slept. And the spread over the earth and its numbers grew legion. And they proclaimed the times and crops unto the fire, with the . And they built a new world in their own image as promised by the , and of the beast with their children. Mammon awoke, and lo! it was but a follower. (en)
  • Kniha Mozilly (The Book of Mozilla) je velikonoční vajíčko v Netscape, Mozilla Suite a odvozených prohlížečích. (cs)
  • كتاب موزيلا هو إيستر إيغ معلوماتية، توجد بالمتصفحات نتسكيب نافيجاتور وموزيلا فيرفكس وقارئ البريد سي منكي (ar)
  • Das Buch Mozilla ist ein fiktives Buch der Bibel, aus dem auf einer Bildschirmseite in Form eines Computer-Easter-Eggs sowohl im Netscape Navigator als auch in den Webbrowsern von Mozilla zitiert wird. (de)
  • El libro de Mozilla es un conocido Huevo de Pascua informático que se encuentra en los navegadores Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox (y sus forks), Minimo, Flock y SeaMonkey; además del navegador interno de Songbird. (es)
  • Le livre de Mozilla est un easter egg informatique, trouvable dans Netscape, Mozilla, SeaMonkey et Firefox. (fr)
  • 《모질라서》(The Book of Mozilla)는 넷스케이프와 모질라 계열의 웹 브라우저에 있는 유명한 이스터 에그이다. 이 이스터 에그는 주소 창에서 about:mozilla를 입력해서 볼 수 있으며, 《모질라서》라 불리는 가상의 책에 있는 내용을 보여 준다. (ko)
  • Il libro di Mozilla (The Book of Mozilla) è un easter egg presente nei browser Netscape e Mozilla che parla, in maniera goliardica e scherzosa, della guerra dei browser sostenuta da Netscape prima e da Firefox poi contro Internet Explorer. (it)
  • Księga Mozilli – komputerowy easter egg w przeglądarkach Netscape Navigator, Firefox, SeaMonkey i Mozilla Application Suite. Po wpisaniu about:mozilla do paska adresu URL, przeglądarka wyświetli jeden z fragmentów księgi jako biały tekst na wiśniowym tle. Tak naprawdę nie istnieje żadna książka zatytułowana Księga Mozilli. Jednakże niektóre żartobliwe cytaty mogą istnienie takiej księgi sugerować. Cytaty te luźno nawiązują do motywu apokalipsy. (pl)
  • The Book of Mozilla är ett så kallat påskägg i webbläsaren Netscape och Mozilla.Man kan finna detta påskägget genom att besöka about:mozilla i Netscape eller Mozilla Firefox. Beroende på vilken webbläsare och version man använder så kommer man att kunna läsa en av följande texter: (sv)
  • Книга Mozilla или Книга Мозиллы (англ. The Book of Mozilla) — пасхальное яйцо, встроенное в браузеры серии Netscape и Mozilla, и программы, основанные на них. Впервые появилось в браузере Netscape 1.1, выпущенном в 1995 году. (ru)
  • Книга Mozilla або Книга Мозілли (англ. The Book of Mozilla) — великоднє яйце, вбудоване в браузери серії Netscape та Mozilla, і програм, засновані на них. Вперше з'явилось в браузері Netscape 1.1, випущеному в 1995 році. (uk)
  • Mozilla之書(英語:The Book of Mozilla)是Netscape和Mozilla系列網頁瀏覽器中著名的復活節彩蛋。使用者只需在網頁瀏覽器的網址列中键入about:mozilla就可以看到這本《Mozilla之书》。 (zh)
  • The Book of Mozilla is a computer Easter egg found in the Netscape, Mozilla, SeaMonkey and Firefox series of web browsers.It is viewed by directing the browser to about:mozilla. There is no real book titled The Book of Mozilla. However, apparent quotations hidden in Netscape and Mozilla give this impression by revealing passages in the style of apocalyptic literature, such as the Book of Revelation in the Bible. When about:mozilla is typed into the location bar, various versions of these browsers display a cryptic message in white text on a maroon background in the browser window. (en)
  • O Livro de Mozilla (originalmente: The Book of Mozilla) é um easter egg encontrado nos navegadores de internet Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, SeaMonkey e K-Meleon. Pode ser visto quando na barra de endereços é digitado about:mozilla . Trata-se de informações em uma linguagem aparentemente antiga e religiosa. O conteúdo pode variar muito, dependendo de qual navegador e versão o usuário esteja utilizando. Os textos são apresentados na cor branca sobre fundo colorido (vinho ou azul). No final sempre está escrito: from The Book of Mozilla, (de O Livro de Mozilla,) e depois da vírgula são mostrados algo como capítulo e versículo. (pt)
  • كتاب موزيلا (ar)
  • El llibre de Mozilla (ca)
  • Kniha Mozilly (cs)
  • Das Buch Mozilla (de)
  • El libro de Mozilla (es)
  • Le Livre de Mozilla (fr)
  • Il Libro di Mozilla (it)
  • 모질라서 (ko)
  • Księga Mozilli (pl)
  • The Book of Mozilla (en)
  • Книга Mozilla (ru)
  • O Livro de Mozilla (pt)
  • The Book of Mozilla (sv)
  • Книга Mozilla (uk)
  • Mozilla之書 (zh)
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