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The News International phone hacking scandal was a controversy involving the now-defunct News of the World and other British newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch. Employees of the newspaper were accused of engaging in phone hacking, police bribery, and exercising improper influence in the pursuit of stories. Whilst investigations conducted from 2005 to 2007 appeared to show that the paper's phone hacking activities were limited to celebrities, politicians, and members of the British royal family, in July 2011 it was revealed that the phones of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, relatives of deceased British soldiers, and victims of the 7 July 2005 London bombings had also been hacked. The resulting public outcry against News Corporation and its owner Rupert Murdoch led to several high-profile

Property Value
  • L'escàndol d'intervencions telefòniques de News International és una controvèrsia en curs que involucra el News of the World, un tabloide sensacionalista britànic ara difunt, publicat per News International, filial de la News Corporation de Rupert Murdoch, i les al·legacions que les persones que treballaven per al periòdic es van dedicar a escoltes telefòniques il·legals. L'escàndol va saltar a la fama enmig d'un intent d'adquisició de la totalitat de British Sky Broadcasting per News Corporation, i va portar a l'empresa l'abandonament dels plans d'adquisició, indicant «que seria molt difícil progressar en aquest clima». Després de revelacions que les víctimes d'escoltes telefòniques il·legals poden haver inclòs l'adolescent assassinada Milly Dowler, els familiars de soldats britànics morts, i víctimes dels atemptats del 7 de juliol a Londres, la reacció pública a l'escàndol va ser ràpida, àmplia i generalment d'indignació. El 6 de juliol de 2011, el primer ministre britànic, David Cameron, va declarar que es convocaria una investigació pública del govern per investigar l'afer, una vegada que la investigació policial s'havia completat. Diverses marques líders van retirar els seus anuncis del News of the World i el 7 de juliol es va anunciar que el diari havia de tancar i publicar la seva última edició el 10 de juliol, després de 168 anys de publicació. El 13 de juliol, Cameron va nomenar el com a president de la investigació, amb la comesa específica d'examinar les afirmacions sobre intervencions telefòniques al News of the World, la investigació inicial de la policia i les denúncies de pagaments il·lícits a la policia per la premsa, mentre que una altra investigació separada consideraria la cultura i l'ètica dels mitjans de comunicació britànics. Ell també va dir que la Comissió de Queixes de Premsa seria «totalment» reemplaçada. El 17 de juliol, el cap de Scotland Yard, , va dimitir per les seves implicacions en el cas. L'escàndol finalment va cridar l'atenció en els Estats Units, on la News Corporation té la seu i opera una gran quantitat de mitjans de comunicació. El 14 de juliol, el FBI va posar en marxa la seva investigació sobre News Corporation, centrant-se en les reclamacions que els seus diaris havien violat la i havien accedit a missatges de bústia de veu de les víctimes dels atemptats de l'11-S; el 15 de juliol, Eric Holder, Fiscal general dels EUA, va anunciar que el Departament de Justícia també va obrir una investigació sobre l'empresa. (ca)
  • قضية تجسس نيوز كورپ على الهواتف، هي قضية تورطت فيها صحيفة نيوز أوف ذه ورلد الأسبوعية، تنشرها في المملكة المتحدة، عن ، أحد فروع نيوز كورپوريشن المملوكة لروپرت مردوخ. بدأت القضية عام 2005، ولا زالت حتى 2011. (ar)
  • Der News-International-Skandal umfasst die illegalen Vorgänge bei News International, dem britischen Ableger des US-amerikanischen Medienkonzerns News Corporation Rupert Murdochs. Mitarbeiter der zu dem Konzern gehörenden Zeitung News of the World hörten Gespräche ab, indem sie sich illegal Zugang zu Mobilfunk-Mailboxen verschafften, und stehen im Verdacht, Polizeibeamte bestochen zu haben. Infolge des Skandals verkündete am 7. Juli 2011 James Murdoch, CEO der News Corporation für Europa und Asien, die Einstellung der Zeitung mit der Sonntagsausgabe vom 10. Juli 2011. (de)
  • Le scandale du piratage téléphonique par News International (ou scandale des écoutes, scandale des écoutes téléphoniques, Murdochgate ou Rupertgate) est une affaire politico-médiatique qui débute en juillet 2011 au Royaume-Uni. Il est révélé que des employés du journal News of the World, filiale de News Corporation, auraient accédé illégalement à des systèmes de messagerie vocale personnels, en particulier ceux de victimes et de leurs proches pendant les années 2000. D'autres journaux britanniques auraient eu recours à des méthodes semblables. (fr)
  • The News International phone hacking scandal was a controversy involving the now-defunct News of the World and other British newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch. Employees of the newspaper were accused of engaging in phone hacking, police bribery, and exercising improper influence in the pursuit of stories. Whilst investigations conducted from 2005 to 2007 appeared to show that the paper's phone hacking activities were limited to celebrities, politicians, and members of the British royal family, in July 2011 it was revealed that the phones of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, relatives of deceased British soldiers, and victims of the 7 July 2005 London bombings had also been hacked. The resulting public outcry against News Corporation and its owner Rupert Murdoch led to several high-profile resignations, including that of Murdoch as News Corporation director, Murdoch's son James as executive chairman, Dow Jones chief executive Les Hinton, News International legal manager Tom Crone, and chief executive Rebekah Brooks. The commissioner of London's Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), Sir Paul Stephenson, also resigned. Advertiser boycotts led to the closure of the News of the World on 10 July 2011, after 168 years of publication. Public pressure forced News Corporation to cancel its proposed takeover of the British satellite broadcaster BSkyB. The prime minister David Cameron announced on 6 July 2011 that a public inquiry, known as the Leveson Inquiry, would look into phone hacking and police bribery by the News of the World, consider the wider culture and ethics of the British newspaper industry and that the Press Complaints Commission would be replaced "entirely". A number of arrests and convictions followed, most notably of the former News of the World managing editor Andy Coulson. Murdoch and his son, James, were summoned to give evidence at the Leveson Inquiry. Over the course of his testimony, Rupert Murdoch admitted that a cover-up had taken place within the News of the World to hide the scope of the phone hacking. On 1 May 2012, a parliamentary select committee report concluded that Murdoch "exhibited wilful blindness to what was going on in his companies and publications" and stated that he was "not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company". On 3 July 2013, Channel 4 News broadcast a secret tape from earlier that year, in which Murdoch dismissively claims that investigators were "totally incompetent" and acted over "next to nothing" and excuses his papers' actions as "part of the culture of Fleet Street". (en)
  • Skandal peretasan telepon News International adalah skandal yang melibatkan News of the World, tabloid Britania yang diterbitkan oleh News Corporation. Oknum di News of the World dituduh melakukan peretasan telepon. Ada pula tuduhan bahwa oknum melakukan pengumpulan informasi dengan menyuap polisi. Awalnya News of the World diduga meretas telepon selebritas, politikus, dan keluarga kerajaan Britania. Namun, pada Juli 2011, dilaporkan bahwa telepon , seorang anak perempuan yang dibunuh; saudara tentara Britania yang meninggal; dan korban bom London 2005, diretas oleh News of the World, sehingga masyarakat marah. Sponsor pun memboikot. Akhirnya tabloid News of the World ditutup pada tanggal 10 July, setelah 168 tahun terbit. Skandal ini mengakibatkan pengunduran diri beberapa tokoh, seperti dan . Polisi juga mundur dari jabatannya. Mantan penyunting News of the World , bekas penyunting eksekutif tabloid , dan Brooks ditangkap. Rupert Murdoch dan anaknya dipanggil dan diminta menyerahkan bukti. Permasalahan ini menarik perhatian warga Amerika Serikat. Di negara tersebut, News Corporation mengoperasikan beberapa outlet media. Federal Bureau of Investigation melakukan pemeriksaan pada 14 Juli untuk mencari tahu apakah News Corporation melanggar . Pada 15 Juli, juga melakukan pemeriksaan. (in)
  • 뉴스 인터내셔널 전화 해킹 스캔들(News International phone hacking scandal)은 뉴스 코퍼레이션의 자회사인 영국의 의 도청 행위 또는 그와 관련된 일련의 스캔들을 말한다. (ko)
  • Het afluisterschandaal van News of the World was een schandaal in het Verenigd Koninkrijk dat aan het licht kwam in 2011. Naar aanleiding van deze affaire werd de krant News of the World stopgezet. (nl)
  • ニューズ・インターナショナル電話ハッキングスキャンダル(ニューズ・インターナショナルでんわハッキングスキャンダル、News International phone hacking scandal)は、ニューズ・コープの子会社であるイギリスの新聞社、ニューズ・インターナショナル(現News UK、ロンドン・サザーク区)によるハッキング行為、またそれに関連する一連の不祥事である。ニューズ・インターナショナルの複数の従業員はニュースの話題を求めて電話盗聴、警察の買収、不適切な影響力を行使した。 捜査は2005年から2007年に及び、電話盗聴はセレブや政治家、英国王室に限定されていたと結論づけられた。ところが、2011年7月には、殺人事件の被害者となった13歳の少女ミリー・ダウアー、イギリス軍人の遺族、7月7日のロンドン同時爆破事件の犠牲者の電話にも不正アクセスをおこなったことが判明し、ニューズ・コープとその代表者であるルパート・マードックに非難が集まった。広告主のボイコットにより、同年7月10日には「ニュース・オブ・ザ・ワールド 」(News of the World) が168年の歴史に幕を下ろした。それでも国民の怒りはおさまらず、ブリティシュ・テレコミュニケーションのBSkyBによる買収も失敗に終わった。 英国デーヴィッド・キャメロン首相は2011年7月6日、公聴会は警察の捜査の終了の後で行われることになるだろうと語った。 その後、「ニュース・オブ・ザ・ワールド」は、「サン・サンデー」として復刊し、前身とは異なる紙面の方針をとった。 (ja)
  • Дело News International — скандал, связанный с тем, что сотрудники газеты News of the World, ведущего таблоида Великобритании, издававшегося компанией , чей материнский концерн News Corporation возглавляет известный медиамагнат Руперт Мердок, занимались незаконным прослушиванием телефонных разговоров. (ru)
  • 《世界新闻报》电话窃听丑闻是一个涉及英国媒体《世界新闻报》的丑闻。 (zh)
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  • Police arrest The Sun's Royal Editor Duncan Larcombe. Also arrested are a 42-year-old man who served in the British Army and a 38-year-old woman. (en)
  • Former News of the World news editor Greg Miskiw arrested. (en)
  • The Guardian reports two other News Corporation outlets may have illegally accessed records of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown. (en)
  • • Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service Sir Paul Stephenson resigns. (en)
  • Deputy football Editor of The Times, Raoul Simons, arrested. (en)
  • The Sun journalist Neil Millard, a 40-year-old Prison Officer and a 37-year-old woman are arrested. A Police Superintendent who is serving in the City of London Police is arrested on charges of corruption. (en)
  • Edmondson, journalist James Weatherup and senior reporter Neville Thurlbeck are all arrested on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications and unlawfully accessing voicemail messages. (en)
  • Police arrest a retired Police Officer on suspicion of accepting payments. (en)
  • The Guardian reports that publicist Max Clifford was paid £1 million to drop legal action that could have revealed more News of the World reporters hacked phones. (en)
  • Former News Corp. executive Rebekah Brooks arrested, along with her husband and four others. (en)
  • The Times journalist Patrick Foster, arrested on suspicion of computer hacking and Bob Bird, former News of the World Scotland Editor, arrested for perjury and phone hacking. (en)
  • • John Yates resigns as Assistant Commissioner (Specialist Operations). (en)
  • • Former News of the World reporter and the first to allege phone hacking at the publication, Sean Hoare, is found dead at his home in Hertfordshire. (en)
  • Rupert Murdoch resigns as News International Director. (en)
  • Ofcom probe moves from a monitoring phase to an "evidence gathering" phase. (en)
  • Matt Nixson dismissed as features Editor of The Sun newspaper. (en)
  • 4.80564E7 (dbd:second)
  • Former News of the World US editor James Desborough arrested. (en)
  • A Culture, Media and Sport select committee report finds no evidence that News of the World editor Andy Coulson knew of phone hacking taking place at his publication. It does however say it is "inconceivable" that no one apart from royal editor Clive Goodman was aware of it. (en)
  • BSkyB takeover withdrawn by News Corporation. (en)
  • Andy Coulson is arrested over alleged phone hacking and making illegal payments to police. Clive Goodman is also arrested on suspicion of making illegal payments to police. (en)
  • Nick Parker, The Suns Chief Foreign Correspondent is arrested and released on bail, also arrested was a 29-year-old serving Police Officer from Sussex Police. (en)
  • • Theresa May tells the House of Commons she has launched an inquiry into malpractices and alleged corruption within the Police. (en)
  • • Brooks arrested over corruption and phone hacking. (en)
  • Police arrest a journalist from the Sun newspaper. (en)
  • The Guardian reports that the voice mail of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler was hacked by the News of the World. (en)
  • Rupert Murdoch flies to London to meet staff from The Sun angry at arrests. (en)
  • June 2011 – Several claimants, including actress Sienna Miller and football pundit Andy Gray, receive damages from the News of the World. (en)
  • Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks are charged over phone hacking. Also charged are Stuart Kuttner, former Managing Editor of News of the World; Ian Edmondson, News Editor; Greg Miskiw, News Editor; Neville Thurlbeck, Chief Reporter; James Weatherup, Assistant News Editor and Glenn Mulcaire, private investigator. (en)
  • House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee decide to recall James Murdoch and Les Hinton for further questioning. (en)
  • Daniel Cloke, Jonathan Chapman, Colin Myler and Tom Crone are questioned by the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee. (en)
  • • The Telegraph reports that relatives of British soldiers killed in action were hacked. (en)
  • The Guardian publishes a letter by Clive Goodman that implicates senior staffers at the News of the World, including Coulson, in extensively discussing and covering-up phone hacking. (en)
  • Police arrest the Sunday Mirrors crime reporter Justin Penrose and the Daily Star Sundays Deputy News Editor Tom Savage on suspicion of corruption and misconduct in a public office. (en)
  • Director of Public Affairs for the Metropolitan Police, Dick Fedorcio, put on extended leave. (en)
  • • The Telegraph reports that relatives of the 7/7 attack victims were also hacked. (en)
  • Andy Coulson, Stuart Kuttner, Ian Edmondson, Greg Miskiw, Neville Thurlbeck, James Weatherup and Glenn Mulcaire all appear at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court charged with phone hacking. (en)
  • Police arrest a 50-year-old man who works for HM Revenue and Customs and a 43-year-old woman. (en)
  • A 31-year-old man who is a National Health Service employee is arrested on the charge of corruption. (en)
  • The former Managing Editor of The Sun Graham Dudman, Head of News Chris Pharo, Crime Editor Mike Sullivan and former Deputy Editor Fergus Shanahan are all arrested. (en)
  • Ross Hall, a former reporter for News of the World who wrote under the pen name Ross Hindley, is arrested. (en)
  • Andy Coulson is charged with three counts of perjury in relation to the evidence he gave at the trial of Tommy and Gail Sheridan in December 2010. (en)
  • The trial judge accepts that Ian Edmondson is unfit to continue and will be tried separately later. (en)
  • Former News of the World managing editor Stuart Kuttner re-arrested and bailed until a date in September 2011. (en)
  • Former News of the World reporter Dan Evans arrested. (en)
  • Police arrest The Sun's Defence Editor Virginia Wheeler. (en)
  • James Murdoch questioned by the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee. (en)
  • Sun Picture Editor John Edwards, Senior reporter John Kay, Chief Foreign Correspondent Nick Parker, Reporter John Sturgis and Deputy Editor Geoff Webster, as well as a serving British Army Major, his wife who works for the Ministry of Defence and a serving Police Officer are all arrested. (en)
  • James Murdoch resigns as executive chairman of News International and as chairman of BSkyB. (en)
  • Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, and Les Hinton, chief executive of Dow Jones & Company, both resign. (en)
  • The trial jury finds Andy Coulson guilty of one charge of conspiracy to hack phones and fails to agree a verdict on two other charges. Brooks and the five remaining defendants are found not guilty. (en)
  • Former News of the World managing editor Stuart Kuttner arrested. (en)
  • Dick Fedorcio, Director of Public Affairs for the Metropolitan Police, resigns after proceedings for gross misconduct were started against him. (en)
  • Tom Crone, Legal Manager at News of the World, is arrested on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications. (en)
  • The trial of R v Coulson, Brooks and others begins at the Old Bailey. Previously Glenn Mulcaire, Neville Thurlbeck, James Weatherup and Greg Miskiw each pleaded guilty to various charges. (en)
  • • David Cameron postpones parliamentary recess by one day. (en)
  • Brooks, Rupert Murdoch and James Murdoch appear before the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee. (en)
  • Reports appear that two Sun journalists made suicide attempts. (en)
  • Andy Coulson detained by police and charged with perjury. (en)
  • Former News of the World executive editor Neil Wallis arrested. (en)
  • The New York Times quotes Sean Hoare, a former News of the World reporter, as claiming phone hacking was encouraged at the tabloid; he also tells the BBC that phone hacking was "endemic" at the paper and that Coulson asked him to do it. Paul McMullan, another former journalist at the News of the World, claims that other illegal reporting techniques were widespread. (en)
  • • Prime Minister David Cameron announces government inquiry into the unfolding scandal. (en)
  • •The Royal British Legion announce it is severing all ties with the News of the World. (en)
  • The News of the World suspends assistant news editor Ian Edmondson over hacking allegations. Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire claimed Edmondson commissioned him to hack phones. (en)
  • Australian Government announces formal inquiry into behaviour of the Australian media. (en)
  • The Solicitors Regulation Authority announce an investigation into Harbottle & Lewis, the former solicitors of News International. (en)
  • News Corporation subsidiary Wireless Generation loses New York State contract for education information system provision. (en)
  • Glenn Mulcaire begins legal action against News International. (en)
  • Leveson inquiry receives witness testimony from the family of Milly Dowler, solicitor Graham Shear, writer Joan Smith and Hugh Grant. (en)
  • Daily Mirror reporter Grieg Box-Turnbull is arrested on suspicion of bribery and causing misconduct in a public office. Also arrested were a 45-year-old male Prison Officer and a 50-year-old woman. Later a 52-year-old female Scotland Yard Police Officer who is serving in Specialist Operations is arrested on suspicion of receiving illegal payments from journalists. (en)
  • The Crown Prosecution Service announce that News of the World former deputy editor Neil Wallis and features editor Jules Stenson plus Andy Coulson, Glenn Mulcaire and five journalists are to be charged with illegally intercepting voicemail messages between 2003 and 2007. (en)
  • James Murdoch appears before the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee. (en)
  • Clodagh Hartley The Sun's Whitehall editor is arrested. (en)
  • A 46-year-old man and a 42-year-old woman who both work for the National Health Service are arrested in Somerset. A 26-year-old man who is a Murdoch employee is arrested in Surrey. (en)
  • Culture, Media and Sport Committee report released, Cameron appeared in parliament and at 1922 Committee. (en)
  • قضية تجسس نيوز كورپ على الهواتف، هي قضية تورطت فيها صحيفة نيوز أوف ذه ورلد الأسبوعية، تنشرها في المملكة المتحدة، عن ، أحد فروع نيوز كورپوريشن المملوكة لروپرت مردوخ. بدأت القضية عام 2005، ولا زالت حتى 2011. (ar)
  • Der News-International-Skandal umfasst die illegalen Vorgänge bei News International, dem britischen Ableger des US-amerikanischen Medienkonzerns News Corporation Rupert Murdochs. Mitarbeiter der zu dem Konzern gehörenden Zeitung News of the World hörten Gespräche ab, indem sie sich illegal Zugang zu Mobilfunk-Mailboxen verschafften, und stehen im Verdacht, Polizeibeamte bestochen zu haben. Infolge des Skandals verkündete am 7. Juli 2011 James Murdoch, CEO der News Corporation für Europa und Asien, die Einstellung der Zeitung mit der Sonntagsausgabe vom 10. Juli 2011. (de)
  • Le scandale du piratage téléphonique par News International (ou scandale des écoutes, scandale des écoutes téléphoniques, Murdochgate ou Rupertgate) est une affaire politico-médiatique qui débute en juillet 2011 au Royaume-Uni. Il est révélé que des employés du journal News of the World, filiale de News Corporation, auraient accédé illégalement à des systèmes de messagerie vocale personnels, en particulier ceux de victimes et de leurs proches pendant les années 2000. D'autres journaux britanniques auraient eu recours à des méthodes semblables. (fr)
  • 뉴스 인터내셔널 전화 해킹 스캔들(News International phone hacking scandal)은 뉴스 코퍼레이션의 자회사인 영국의 의 도청 행위 또는 그와 관련된 일련의 스캔들을 말한다. (ko)
  • Het afluisterschandaal van News of the World was een schandaal in het Verenigd Koninkrijk dat aan het licht kwam in 2011. Naar aanleiding van deze affaire werd de krant News of the World stopgezet. (nl)
  • Дело News International — скандал, связанный с тем, что сотрудники газеты News of the World, ведущего таблоида Великобритании, издававшегося компанией , чей материнский концерн News Corporation возглавляет известный медиамагнат Руперт Мердок, занимались незаконным прослушиванием телефонных разговоров. (ru)
  • 《世界新闻报》电话窃听丑闻是一个涉及英国媒体《世界新闻报》的丑闻。 (zh)
  • L'escàndol d'intervencions telefòniques de News International és una controvèrsia en curs que involucra el News of the World, un tabloide sensacionalista britànic ara difunt, publicat per News International, filial de la News Corporation de Rupert Murdoch, i les al·legacions que les persones que treballaven per al periòdic es van dedicar a escoltes telefòniques il·legals. L'escàndol va saltar a la fama enmig d'un intent d'adquisició de la totalitat de British Sky Broadcasting per News Corporation, i va portar a l'empresa l'abandonament dels plans d'adquisició, indicant «que seria molt difícil progressar en aquest clima». (ca)
  • The News International phone hacking scandal was a controversy involving the now-defunct News of the World and other British newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch. Employees of the newspaper were accused of engaging in phone hacking, police bribery, and exercising improper influence in the pursuit of stories. Whilst investigations conducted from 2005 to 2007 appeared to show that the paper's phone hacking activities were limited to celebrities, politicians, and members of the British royal family, in July 2011 it was revealed that the phones of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, relatives of deceased British soldiers, and victims of the 7 July 2005 London bombings had also been hacked. The resulting public outcry against News Corporation and its owner Rupert Murdoch led to several high-profile (en)
  • Skandal peretasan telepon News International adalah skandal yang melibatkan News of the World, tabloid Britania yang diterbitkan oleh News Corporation. Oknum di News of the World dituduh melakukan peretasan telepon. Ada pula tuduhan bahwa oknum melakukan pengumpulan informasi dengan menyuap polisi. Skandal ini mengakibatkan pengunduran diri beberapa tokoh, seperti dan . Polisi juga mundur dari jabatannya. Mantan penyunting News of the World , bekas penyunting eksekutif tabloid , dan Brooks ditangkap. Rupert Murdoch dan anaknya dipanggil dan diminta menyerahkan bukti. (in)
  • ニューズ・インターナショナル電話ハッキングスキャンダル(ニューズ・インターナショナルでんわハッキングスキャンダル、News International phone hacking scandal)は、ニューズ・コープの子会社であるイギリスの新聞社、ニューズ・インターナショナル(現News UK、ロンドン・サザーク区)によるハッキング行為、またそれに関連する一連の不祥事である。ニューズ・インターナショナルの複数の従業員はニュースの話題を求めて電話盗聴、警察の買収、不適切な影響力を行使した。 捜査は2005年から2007年に及び、電話盗聴はセレブや政治家、英国王室に限定されていたと結論づけられた。ところが、2011年7月には、殺人事件の被害者となった13歳の少女ミリー・ダウアー、イギリス軍人の遺族、7月7日のロンドン同時爆破事件の犠牲者の電話にも不正アクセスをおこなったことが判明し、ニューズ・コープとその代表者であるルパート・マードックに非難が集まった。広告主のボイコットにより、同年7月10日には「ニュース・オブ・ザ・ワールド 」(News of the World) が168年の歴史に幕を下ろした。それでも国民の怒りはおさまらず、ブリティシュ・テレコミュニケーションのBSkyBによる買収も失敗に終わった。 (ja)
  • News International phone hacking scandal (en)
  • قضية تجسس نيوز أوف ذه ورلد على الهواتف (ar)
  • Escàndol d'intervencions telefòniques de News International (ca)
  • News-International-Skandal (de)
  • Skandal peretasan telepon News International (in)
  • Scandale du piratage téléphonique par News International (fr)
  • 뉴스 인터내셔널 전화 해킹 스캔들 (ko)
  • ニューズ・インターナショナル電話盗聴スキャンダル (ja)
  • Afluisterschandaal van News of the World (nl)
  • Дело News International (ru)
  • 世界新闻报电话窃听丑闻 (zh)
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