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Rear Admiral William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (26 November 1901 – 5 December 1953) was an American naval officer who worked as an ordnance expert on the Manhattan Project during World War II. He is best known for being the weaponeer on the Enola Gay, the aircraft which dropped the Little Boy atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. To avoid the possibility of a nuclear explosion if the aircraft crashed and burned on takeoff, he decided to arm the bomb in flight. While the aircraft was en route to Hiroshima, Parsons climbed into the cramped and dark bomb bay, and inserted the powder charge and detonator. He was awarded the Silver Star for his part in the mission.

Property Value
  • ويليام ستيرلينغ بارسونز (بالإنجليزية: William Sterling Parsons)‏ هو ضابط أمريكي، ولد في 26 نوفمبر 1901 في شيكاغو في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 5 ديسمبر 1953 في بيثيسدا في الولايات المتحدة بسبب نوبة قلبية. (ar)
  • Konteradmiral William Sterling „Deak“ Parsons (* 26. November 1901 in Chicago; † 5. Dezember 1953 in Bethesda (Maryland)) war ein US-amerikanischer Marineoffizier, der während des Zweiten Weltkriegs als Kampfmittelexperte für das Manhattan-Projekt arbeitete. Er ist vor allem als Waffensystemoffizier für die Enola Gay bekannt, wo er die Atombombe Little Boy erst nach dem Start abwurfbereit machte. Parsons hatte auf der Insel Tinian mehrfach B-29 bei Startunfällen beobachtet. Um die Möglichkeit einer Atomexplosion auf Tinian auszuschließen, entschied er sich, die Waffe erst im Flug scharf zu machen. Dies war vorher nicht mit Leslie Groves abgesprochen, dem militärischen Leiter der Entwicklung der ersten Atombombe im sogenannten Manhattan-Projekt. Parsons erhielt für seine Rolle in der Mission den Silver Star. (de)
  • William Sterling «Deak» Parsons (Chicago, Illinois, 26 de noviembre de 1901 - Bethesda, Maryland, 5 de diciembre de 1953) fue un ingeniero militar estadounidense, más conocido por ser el artillero del Enola Gay (entonces tenía el rango de capitán), siendo quien lanzó la primera bomba atómica, sobre Hiroshima, Japón, el 6 de agosto de 1945. (es)
  • William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (26 novembre 1901, 5 décembre 1953) était un rear admiral (contre-amiral) de l'US Navy. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il s'occupa de l'armement de la bombe atomique Little Boy qui fut larguée sur la ville japonaise d'Hiroshima. Il avait alors le grade de capitaine. Dans le cadre du Projet Manhattan, Parsons fit le pont entre la recherche, les scientifiques et les militaires. Il joua un rôle clé dans la conception et l'utilisation des détonateurs présents dans la bombe atomique. Il avait activement participé à la recherche, au développement et à l'assemblage de Little Boy. Peu avant le largage sur Hiroshima, il plaça les charges explosives de cordite et activa le système d'armement de la bombe après avoir rampé dans la soute du B-29 Enola Gay. Cette opération était extrêmement délicate et nécessitait la plus grande attention. Parsons s'était entraîné sur l'île de Tinian avant le départ afin de parfaire ses gestes. La bombe sera entièrement armée après que son assistant, Morris Jeppson, eut remplacé les fusibles. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Parsons devint l'expert de l'US Navy sur les questions relatives au nucléaire. Il est mort d'une crise cardiaque à l'âge de 52 ans et fut inhumé au cimetière militaire national d'Arlington. Le Rear Admiral William S. Parsons Award for Scientific and Technical Progress a été nommé par l'US Navy en son honneur. (fr)
  • Laksamana Muda William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (26 November 1901 – 5 Desember 1953) adalah seorang perwira angkatan laut Amerika yang bekerja pada Proyek Manhattan pada Perang Dunia II. Ia paling dikenal menjadi operator senjata pada Enola Gay, sebuah pesawat yang menjatuhkan bom atom Little Boy di Hiroshima, Jepang pada 1945. Ia meninggal karena serangan jantung pada 5 Desember 1953. (in)
  • Rear Admiral William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (26 November 1901 – 5 December 1953) was an American naval officer who worked as an ordnance expert on the Manhattan Project during World War II. He is best known for being the weaponeer on the Enola Gay, the aircraft which dropped the Little Boy atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. To avoid the possibility of a nuclear explosion if the aircraft crashed and burned on takeoff, he decided to arm the bomb in flight. While the aircraft was en route to Hiroshima, Parsons climbed into the cramped and dark bomb bay, and inserted the powder charge and detonator. He was awarded the Silver Star for his part in the mission. A 1922 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Parsons served on a variety of warships beginning with the battleship USS Idaho. He was trained in ordnance and studied ballistics under L.T.E. Thompson at the Naval Proving Ground in Dahlgren, Virginia. In July 1933, Parsons became liaison officer between the Bureau of Ordnance and the Naval Research Laboratory. He became interested in radar and was one of the first to recognize its potential to locate ships and aircraft, and perhaps even track shells in flight. In September 1940, Parsons and Merle Tuve of the National Defense Research Committee began work on the development of the proximity fuze, an invention that was provided to US by the UK Tizard Mission, a radar-triggered fuze that would explode a shell in the proximity of the target. The fuze, eventually known as the VT (variable time) fuze, Mark 32, went into production in 1942. Parsons was on hand to watch the cruiser USS Helena shoot down the first enemy aircraft with a VT fuze in the Solomon Islands in January 1943. In June 1943, Parsons joined the Manhattan Project as Associate Director at the research laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico under J. Robert Oppenheimer. Parsons became responsible for the ordnance aspects of the project, including the design and testing of the non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons. In a reorganization in 1944, he lost responsibility for the implosion-type fission weapon, but retained that for the design and development of the gun-type fission weapon, which eventually became Little Boy. He was also responsible for the delivery program, codenamed Project Alberta. He watched the Trinity nuclear test from a B-29. After the war, Parsons was promoted to the rank of rear admiral without ever having commanded a ship. He participated in Operation Crossroads, the nuclear weapon tests at Bikini Atoll in 1946, and later the Operation Sandstone tests at Enewetak Atoll in 1948. In 1947, he became deputy commander of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project. He died of a heart attack on 5 December 1953. (en)
  • Контр-адмирал Уильям Стерлинг «Дик» Парсонс (26 ноября 1901 — 5 декабря 1953) — американский военно-морской офицер, работавший экспертом по артиллерийскому оружию в Манхэттенском проекте во время Второй мировой войны. Известен тем, что был оружейником на Enola Gay, самолете, который сбросил атомную бомбу Little Boy на Хиросиму, Япония, в 1945 году. Чтобы избежать возможности ядерного взрыва, если самолет разобьется и сгорит на взлете, он решил сбросить бомбу в полете. Пока самолет летел над Хиросимой, Парсонс забрался в тесный и темный бомболюк и вставил пороховой заряд и детонатор. В результате его действий погибли 140 тысяч человек. Был награжден Серебряной звездой за участие в миссии. (ru)
  • William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (Chicago, 26 de novembro de 1901 - Bethesda, 5 de dezembro de 1953) foi um oficial da Marinha dos Estados Unidos que trabalhou como especialista de munições no Projeto Manhattan durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ele é mais conhecido por ser quem preparou a detonação da bomba atômica Little Boy, que foi lançada pelo avião Enola Gay sobre a cidade de Hiroshima, no Japão, em 1945. Parsons graduou-se em 1922 na Academia Naval dos Estados Unidos e serviu em vários navios de guerra, começando com o navio de guerra USS Idaho. Ele foi treinado em material bélico e estudou balística. Em julho de 1933, Parsons se tornou agente de ligação entre o Bureau of Ordnance (BuOrd) e o Laboratório de Pesquisa Naval dos Estados Unidos. Interessou-se por radar e foi um dos primeiros a reconhecer o potencial da tecnologia para localizar navios e aeronaves, além de até mesmo acompanhar bombas em voo. Em setembro de 1940, Parsons e Merle Tuve do Comitê de Pesquisa de Defesa Nacional começaram a trabalhar no desenvolvimento da espoleta de proximidade, uma espoleta acionada por radar que iria explodir uma bomba na proximidade do alvo. A espoleta, eventualmente conhecido como o fusível VT (tempo variável) Mark 32, entrou em produção em 1942. Parsons estava presente quando o USS Helena derrubou o primeiro avião inimigo com uma espoleta VT nas Ilhas Salomão, em janeiro de 1943. Em junho de 1943, Parsons se juntou ao Projeto Manhattan como Diretor Associado do Laboratório Nacional de Los Alamos, no Novo México, sob a liderança de J. Robert Oppenheimer. Parsons tornou-se responsável pelas munições do projeto, incluindo a concepção e o teste dos componentes não-nucleares das armas nucleares. Ele também foi responsável pelo programa de lançamento, cujo codinome era Projeto Alberta. Em agosto de 1945 ele participou do bombardeio de Hiroshima como o responsável por detonar a bomba atômica Little Boy no B-29 Enola Gay. Durante o voo para Hiroshima, Parsons subiu no compartimento de bombas para carregar a carga de pó, para evitar a possibilidade de uma explosão nuclear, caso a aeronave caísse na decolagem. Ele foi condecorado com a Silver Star por sua parte na missão. Após a guerra, Parsons foi promovido ao posto de contra-almirante, sem nunca ter comandado um navio. Participou da Operação Crossroads, os testes de armas nucleares no atol de Bikini, em 1946, e mais tarde dos testes durante a Operação Sandstone, no atol Enewetak, em 1948. Em 1947 tornou-se vice-comandante do Projeto de Armas Especiais para as Forças Armadas. Parsons morreu depois de um ataque cardíaco em 5 de dezembro de 1953. (pt)
  • 1953-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1922-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 587693 (xsd:integer)
  • 48044 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1062379003 (xsd:integer)
  • 1901-11-26 (xsd:date)
  • Chicago, Illinois, US (en)
  • Rear Admiral William S. Parsons (en)
  • y (en)
  • 1953-12-05 (xsd:date)
  • Bethesda, Maryland, US (en)
  • William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (en)
  • "Deak" (en)
  • Place of burial (en)
  • History of science (en)
  • Nuclear technology (en)
  • World War II (en)
  • Biography (en)
  • 30 (xsd:integer)
  • 1922 (xsd:integer)
  • ويليام ستيرلينغ بارسونز (بالإنجليزية: William Sterling Parsons)‏ هو ضابط أمريكي، ولد في 26 نوفمبر 1901 في شيكاغو في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 5 ديسمبر 1953 في بيثيسدا في الولايات المتحدة بسبب نوبة قلبية. (ar)
  • William Sterling «Deak» Parsons (Chicago, Illinois, 26 de noviembre de 1901 - Bethesda, Maryland, 5 de diciembre de 1953) fue un ingeniero militar estadounidense, más conocido por ser el artillero del Enola Gay (entonces tenía el rango de capitán), siendo quien lanzó la primera bomba atómica, sobre Hiroshima, Japón, el 6 de agosto de 1945. (es)
  • Laksamana Muda William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (26 November 1901 – 5 Desember 1953) adalah seorang perwira angkatan laut Amerika yang bekerja pada Proyek Manhattan pada Perang Dunia II. Ia paling dikenal menjadi operator senjata pada Enola Gay, sebuah pesawat yang menjatuhkan bom atom Little Boy di Hiroshima, Jepang pada 1945. Ia meninggal karena serangan jantung pada 5 Desember 1953. (in)
  • Konteradmiral William Sterling „Deak“ Parsons (* 26. November 1901 in Chicago; † 5. Dezember 1953 in Bethesda (Maryland)) war ein US-amerikanischer Marineoffizier, der während des Zweiten Weltkriegs als Kampfmittelexperte für das Manhattan-Projekt arbeitete. Er ist vor allem als Waffensystemoffizier für die Enola Gay bekannt, wo er die Atombombe Little Boy erst nach dem Start abwurfbereit machte. Parsons hatte auf der Insel Tinian mehrfach B-29 bei Startunfällen beobachtet. Um die Möglichkeit einer Atomexplosion auf Tinian auszuschließen, entschied er sich, die Waffe erst im Flug scharf zu machen. Dies war vorher nicht mit Leslie Groves abgesprochen, dem militärischen Leiter der Entwicklung der ersten Atombombe im sogenannten Manhattan-Projekt. Parsons erhielt für seine Rolle in der Missio (de)
  • William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (26 novembre 1901, 5 décembre 1953) était un rear admiral (contre-amiral) de l'US Navy. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il s'occupa de l'armement de la bombe atomique Little Boy qui fut larguée sur la ville japonaise d'Hiroshima. Il avait alors le grade de capitaine. (fr)
  • Rear Admiral William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (26 November 1901 – 5 December 1953) was an American naval officer who worked as an ordnance expert on the Manhattan Project during World War II. He is best known for being the weaponeer on the Enola Gay, the aircraft which dropped the Little Boy atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945. To avoid the possibility of a nuclear explosion if the aircraft crashed and burned on takeoff, he decided to arm the bomb in flight. While the aircraft was en route to Hiroshima, Parsons climbed into the cramped and dark bomb bay, and inserted the powder charge and detonator. He was awarded the Silver Star for his part in the mission. (en)
  • Контр-адмирал Уильям Стерлинг «Дик» Парсонс (26 ноября 1901 — 5 декабря 1953) — американский военно-морской офицер, работавший экспертом по артиллерийскому оружию в Манхэттенском проекте во время Второй мировой войны. Был награжден Серебряной звездой за участие в миссии. (ru)
  • William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (Chicago, 26 de novembro de 1901 - Bethesda, 5 de dezembro de 1953) foi um oficial da Marinha dos Estados Unidos que trabalhou como especialista de munições no Projeto Manhattan durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ele é mais conhecido por ser quem preparou a detonação da bomba atômica Little Boy, que foi lançada pelo avião Enola Gay sobre a cidade de Hiroshima, no Japão, em 1945. (pt)
  • ويليام ستيرلينغ بارسونز (ar)
  • William Sterling Parsons (de)
  • William Sterling Parsons (es)
  • William Sterling Parsons (fr)
  • William Sterling Parsons (in)
  • William Sterling Parsons (pt)
  • Парсонс, Уильям Стерлинг (ru)
  • William Sterling Parsons (en)
  • William Sterling "Deak" Parsons (en)
  • "Deak" (en)
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