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MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
Management API

The Management API is a REST-based API that allows you to administer MarkLogic Server and access MarkLogic Server instrumentation with no provisioning or set-up. You can use the API to perform administrative tasks such as initializing or extending a cluster; creating databases, forests, and App Servers; and managing tiered storage partitions. The API also provides the ability to easily capture detailed information on MarkLogic Server objects and processes, such as hosts, databases, forests, App Servers, groups, transactions, and requests from a wide variety of tools.

All of the resource addresses in the Management API require the http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/manage privilege. Methods that modify configuration also require the privilege http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/manage-admin. See the individual methods for details.

If a request results in an error, the body of the response includes error details. The MIME type of error details is determined by the format request parameter (where supported), Accept header, or request Content-type header, in that order of precedence. For example, if a request supplies XML input (request Content-type set to application/xml), but specifies JSON output using the format parameter, then error details are returned as JSON. The default error detail MIME type is XML.

MarkLogic JSON serialization of xs:unsignedLong values may expose a JSON limitation in how it handles large numbers. MarkLogic generates 'large' xs:unsignedLong numbers for IDs in low level configs (for example, a forest id). The range that these numbers are generated sometimes cross over from what JSON can handle to what it cannot handle. The result of this is that sometimes the number is represented as a number or as a string (when it is too big). Code consuming these serialized JSON values must be aware of this possibility. For more information on this, see Serialization of Large Integer Values in the Application Developer's Guide.

307 resources
Resource URI Description
/admin/v1/cluster-config (POST) Provide host or cluster configuration information suitable for adding a new host to an existing cluster.
/admin/v1/host-config (DELETE) Remove a host's configuration from the cluster configuration, dropping the host from the cluster.
/admin/v1/init (POST) Initializes MarkLogic Server.
/admin/v1/instance-admin (POST) Install the admin username and password, and initialize the security database and objects.
/admin/v1/server-config (GET) Retrieve MarkLogic Server configuration information, suitable for use in joining a cluster.
/admin/v1/timestamp (GET) Verify that MarkLogic Server is up and accepting requests.
/admin/v1/timestamp (HEAD) Verify that MarkLogic Server is up and accepting requests.
/manage/v1/domains (GET) This resource returns the set of domains for which Flexible Replication is configured.
/manage/v2 (GET) This resource address returns summary information for the local cluster.
/manage/v2 (POST) This resource address restarts and upgrades the local cluster.
/manage/v2?view=describe (GET) This resource address returns a description of the methods available on this endpoint.
/manage/v2?view=healthcheck (GET) This resource address returns a health check status for the local cluster.
/manage/v2?view=query (GET) This resource address returns the summary of all of the resources in the local cluster, or resources in the local cluster that match a query.
/manage/v2?view=status (GET) This resource address returns a status summary for the local cluster.
/manage/v2/amps (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the amps in the security database.
/manage/v2/amps (POST) This resource address creates a new amp in the Security database.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named amp from the named security database.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified amp.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified amp.
/manage/v2/amps/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified amp.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the certificate authorities in the cluster.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities (POST) This resource address creates a new certificate authority in the security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named certificate authority from the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified certificate authority.
/manage/v2/certificate-authorities/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified certificate authority.
/manage/v2/certificate-revocation-lists (PUT) This resource address inserts a PEM- or DER-encoded Certificate Revocation List (CRL) into the security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the certificate templates in the cluster.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates (POST) This resource address creates a new certificate template in the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named certificate template from the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name} (POST) This resource address is used to perform various operations on the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificate-templates/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified certificate template.
/manage/v2/certificates (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the certificates in the cluster.
/manage/v2/certificates (POST) This resource address inserts one or more certificates into the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificates/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named certificate from the Security database.
/manage/v2/certificates/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified certificate.
/manage/v2/certificates/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified certificate.
/manage/v2/clusters (GET) This resource address returns a list of all of the foreign clusters coupled to the local cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters (POST) This resource address creates a foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data for the foreign clusters coupled to the local cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns summary information for the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name} (POST) Initiate a state change on the named cluster, such as a shutdown or restart.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data for the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns a status summary for the specified foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the modifiable properties of the named foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/clusters/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address modifies the properties of the named foreign cluster.
/manage/v2/credentials/properties (DELETE) Delete credentials used to access external services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).
/manage/v2/credentials/properties (GET) Retrieve credentials used to access external services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).
/manage/v2/credentials/properties (PUT) This resource address sets the credentials used to access external services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).
/manage/v2/credentials/secure (GET) Retrieve secure credentials.
/manage/v2/credentials/secure (POST) This resource address sets a secure credential.
/manage/v2/databases (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the databases in the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases (POST) This resource address creates a new database in the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the databases in the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named database from the cluster.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns information on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name} (POST) This resource address can be used to clear the contents of the named database and to perform various configuration operations on the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns the count information for forests attached to the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=describe-indexes (GET) This resource address returns the list of range index specification for the database, identified either by id or name.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=package (GET) This resource address returns configuration details about the named database in a format suitable for use with the /manage/v2/packages interfaces.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert (GET) List the alerts for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions (GET) List the alert actions for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions (POST) This resource address creates a new alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete the named alert action configuration from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name} (GET) Return the configuration for the specified alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the specified alert action for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules (GET) Return a list of the alert rules for the specified alert action on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules (POST) This resource address creates a new rule for the specified alert action.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete the named alert rule for the specified action and database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name} (GET) Return the properties for the specified alert rule.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named alert rule.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/actions/{id|name}/rules/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the specified alert rule.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs (DELETE) Delete the alert configuration specified by the mandatory uri parameter from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs (GET) Return a list of the alert configurations for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs (POST) This resource address creates a new alert configuration.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the alert specified by the mandatory uri parameter from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/alert/configs/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the alert specified by the mandatory uri parameter from the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs (GET) This resource address returns the list of CPF configurations.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs (POST) This resource address creates a CPF configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the CPF configuration for the specified domain.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name} (GET) This resource address returns the CPF configuration for the specified domain.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the CPF configuration properties for the specified domain.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/cpf-configs/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the CPF configuration on the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains (GET) This resource address returns the list of domains for the specified triggers database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains (POST) This resource address creates a new domain for the specified Triggers database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named domain from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration of the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/domains/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties of the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep (GET) This resource address returns the list of flexible replication configurations for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs (GET) This resource address returns the list of flexible push replication configurations for the domains for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs (POST) This resource address creates a flexible push replication configuration, along with the indexes needed for CPF-based flexible replication on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named flexible replication configuration for the specified domain on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication configuration for the specified domain on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication configuration properties for the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the flexible replication configuration properties for the specified domain for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication targets for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets (POST) This resource address creates a target for use by the flexible replication configuration for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the configuration for the named target from the named flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the target configuration for the specified flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties for the specified target configuration in the specified flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/configs/{id|name}/targets/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address is used to set the properties for the target used by the flexible replication configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/properties (GET) This resource address returns the inbound filter flexible replication properties for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the inbound filter flexible replication properties for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication pull configurations for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls (POST) This resource address creates a flexible replication pull configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named flexible replication pull configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified flexible replication pull configuration for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the flexible replication pull configuration properties for the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/flexrep/pulls/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address is used to update the enabled property to enable or disable pull flexible replication for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries (GET) Retrieve a list of partition queries in a database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries (POST) Add a query to a query partition in the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number} (DELETE) Delete the query for the query partition identified by {partition-number} from the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number} (GET) Retrieve the query assignment policy for a specific query partition.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number}/properties (GET) Retrieve the current query assignment policy for the query partition identified by {partition-number} in the database identified by {name|id}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partition-queries/{partition-number}/properties (PUT) Modify the query assignment policy for the query partition identified by {partition-number} in the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions (GET) Retrieve a list of partitions in a database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions (POST) Add a range or query partition to the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name} (DELETE) Delete the partition identified by {name} from the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name} (GET) Retrieve a partition summary that includes links to related resources, such as the containing database, member forests, assignment policy, and the partition configuration.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name} (PUT) Invoke an operation on a partition, such as resizing the partition or transferring or migrating the partition to a different database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name}/properties (GET) Retrieve the current configuration for the partition identified by {name} in the database identified by {name|id}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/partitions/{name}/properties (PUT) Modify the configuration of the partition identified by {name} in the database identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines (GET) This resource address returns the list of pipelines for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines (POST) This resource address can be used to create and load CPF pipelines for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named pipeline from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified pipeline for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified pipeline for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/pipelines/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties of the specified pipeline for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the modifiable properties of the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address modifies the properties of the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/rebalancer (GET) This resource address returns the current rebalancer configuration.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/rebalancer (PUT) Update the rebalancer configuration for a database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal (GET) This resource address returns the temporal configuration for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes (GET) This resource address returns the list of temporal axes for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes (POST) This resource address creates a new temporal axis for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named temporal axis from the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified temporal axis.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/axes/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified temporal axis.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections (GET) This resource address returns the list of temporal collections for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections (POST) This resource address creates a new temporal collection for the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections?collection={name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named temporal collection from the named database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections?collection={name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections?collection={name} (POST) This resource address advances the LSQT for the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/lsqt/properties?collection={name} (GET) This resource address returns the LSQT properties for the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/lsqt/properties?collection={name} (PUT) This resource sets the LSQT properties on the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/properties?collection={name} (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/temporal/collections/properties?collection={name} (PUT) This resource sets the optional properties on the specified temporal collection.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers (GET) Return a list of the alert triggers for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers (POST) This resource address creates a new trigger.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete the named alert trigger for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name} (GET) Return the configuration for the specified alert trigger.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named alert trigger.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/triggers/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address updates the configuration properties of the specified alert trigger for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas (GET) This resource address returns the list of SQL View Schemas for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas (POST) This resource address creates a SQL View Schema in the specified schemas database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named SQL View Schema from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified SQL View Schema for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified SQL View Schema for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties of a SQL View Schema in the specified SQL Schema for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views (GET) This resource address returns the list of SQL Views for the specified schema in the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views (POST) This resource address adds a SQL View to the specified schema on the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named SQL View from the database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified SQL View for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified SQL View for the specified database.
/manage/v2/databases/{id|name}/view-schemas/{schema-name}/views/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for a SQL View in the Schemas database.
/manage/v2/external-security (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the external-security configurations in the security database.
/manage/v2/external-security (POST) This resource address creates a new external-security configuration in the security database.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named external-security configuration from the named security database.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the specified external-security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/jwt-secrets (DELETE) This resource address deletes the JWT secret with the specified key-IDs given in the payload from the specified external security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/jwt-secrets (POST) This resource address can be used to add JWT secrets for the specified external security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/jwt-secrets (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the JWT secrets for the specified external security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified external-security configuration.
/manage/v2/external-security/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified external-security configuration.
/manage/v2/forests (GET) This resource address returns data about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests (POST) Create a new forest, including replicas if specified.
/manage/v2/forests (PUT) Perform an operation on one or more forests, such as combining multiple forests into a single new one, or migrating the data in the forests to a new data directory.
/manage/v2/forests?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns count information about all the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests?view=storage (GET) This resource address returns storage information about the forests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name} (DELETE) Delete a forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name} (GET) Retrieve information about a forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name} (POST) Initiate a state change on a forest, such as a merge, restart, or attach.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) Retrieve count information about a forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}?view=status (GET) Retrieve status information about the named forest.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}/properties (GET) Retrieve the current state of modifiable properties of the forest identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/forests/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Modify the configuration of the forest identified by {id|name}.
/manage/v2/groups (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the groups in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups (POST) This resource address creates a new group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes a group from the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns information on a specific group.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name} (POST) This resource address can be used to restart or shutdown a group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns counts information on the specified group.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information on the specified group.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the configuration properties of the named group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/groups/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address sets the configuration properties of the named group in the cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts (GET) Retrieve information about the hosts in a cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts (POST) This resource address is used to define a bootstrap host.
/manage/v2/hosts?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the hosts in the cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts?view=status (GET) Retrieve status information about the hosts in the cluster.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name} (POST) Initiate a state change on a host, such as a shutdown or restart.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}?view=config (GET) This resource address returns configuration information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}?view=counts (GET) This resource address returns counts information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information on a specific host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the current state of modifiable properties of the specified host.
/manage/v2/hosts/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Initiate a properties change on the specified host.
/manage/v2/logs (GET) Returns the content of server log files.
/manage/v2/meters (GET) This resource address lists all existing meters with descriptions and units, including cluster-id and host-id.
/manage/v2/meters/labels (GET) This resource address returns all of the labels stored for the monitoring history timespans.
/manage/v2/meters/labels (OPTIONS) This resource address returns information on the /manage/v2/meters/labels endpoint.
/manage/v2/meters/labels (POST) This resource address creates a label and returns the ID of the created label.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named label.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the named label stored for the monitoring history timespans.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (HEAD) This resource address tests to see if the named label is in MarkLogic Server.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (OPTIONS) This resource address returns information on the /manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} endpoint.
/manage/v2/meters/labels/{id|name} (PUT) This resource address updates an existing label and returns the ID of the updated label.
/manage/v2/meters/resources (GET) This resource address returns a list of all of the resources in the local cluster that existed in specified time period..
/manage/v2/mimetypes (GET) This resource address returns a list of all of the mimetypes supported by MarkLogic Server.
/manage/v2/mimetypes (POST) This resource address creates a new mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified mimetype.
/manage/v2/mimetypes/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified mimetype.
/manage/v2/privileges (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the privileges in the security database.
/manage/v2/privileges (POST) This resource address creates a new privilege in the security database.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named privilege from the named security database.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified privilege.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified privilege.
/manage/v2/privileges/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified privilege.
/manage/v2/properties (GET) Retrieve the current properties of the cluster.
/manage/v2/properties (PUT) This resource address modifies the properties of the local cluster.
/manage/v2/protected-collections (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the protected collections in the cluster.
/manage/v2/protected-collections (POST) This resource address creates a new protected collection in the security database.
/manage/v2/protected-collections?collection={collection-uri} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named protected collection from the Security database.
/manage/v2/protected-collections?collection={collection-uri} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified protected collection.
/manage/v2/protected-collections/properties?collection={collection-uri} (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified protected collection.
/manage/v2/protected-collections/properties?collection={collection-uri} (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified protected collection.
/manage/v2/protected-paths (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a list of protected paths.
/manage/v2/protected-paths (POST) This resource endpoint creates a new protected path using a name or id passed in a payload.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id}/properties (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves the properties of specific protected path.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id}/properties (PUT) This resource endpoint updates one or more properties of a protected path.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource endpoint deletes a given protected path using a name or id passed in the URL.
/manage/v2/protected-paths/{id|name} (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a given protected path.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a list of query rolesets.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets (POST) This resource endpoint creates a new query roleset.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets/{id} (DELETE) This resource endpoint deletes a given query roleset using the id passed in the URL.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets/{id} (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a given query roleset.
/manage/v2/query-rolesets/{id}/properties (GET) This resource endpoint retrieves a given query roleset.
/manage/v2/requests (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the requests in the cluster.
/manage/v2/requests/{id|uri} (GET) This resource address returns information on the specified request.
/manage/v2/roles (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the roles in the security database.
/manage/v2/roles (POST) This resource address creates a new role in the security database.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named role from the named security database.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified role.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified role.
/manage/v2/roles/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified role.
/manage/v2/security (GET) Retrieve a summary of security information for the cluster.
/manage/v2/security (POST) Perform a security operation such as rotating configuration, data, or log encryption keys.
/manage/v2/security/properties (GET) Retrieve security properties for a cluster.
/manage/v2/security/properties (PUT) Update security properties.
/manage/v2/servers (GET) This resource address returns data about the App Servers in the cluster.
/manage/v2/servers (POST) This resource address is used to create a new App Server in the specified group.
/manage/v2/servers?view=metrics (GET) Retrieve historical monitoring data about the App Servers in the cluster.
/manage/v2/servers?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information for the App Servers in the cluster.
/manage/v2/servers?view=xdmp:server-status (GET) This resource address returns more status information for the App Servers in the cluster including active/long running query details.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the specified App Server from the specified group.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns data about a specific App Server.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}?view=package (GET) This resource address returns configuration details about the named App Server in a format suitable for use with the /manage/v2/packages interfaces.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}?view=status (GET) This resource address returns status information about a specific App Server.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the current state of modifiable properties of the specified App Server.
/manage/v2/servers/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Initiate a properties change on the specified App Server.
/manage/v2/support-request (GET) Generates a support request, along with your system status.
/manage/v2/task-servers (GET) This resource address lists the Task Servers.
/manage/v2/task-servers/{id|name} (GET) This resource address lists the specified Task Server properties.
/manage/v2/task-servers/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the Task Server in the specified group.
/manage/v2/task-servers/{id|name}/properties (PUT) Initiate a properties change on the Task Server in the specified group.
/manage/v2/tasks (GET) This resource address returns the list of scheduled tasks for the specified group.
/manage/v2/tasks (POST) This resource address is used to create a new scheduled task for the specified group.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named task from the named group.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified task.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified task.
/manage/v2/tasks/{id}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified task.
/manage/v2/tickets/{tid}?view=process-status (GET) Check the status of the ticket identified by {tid}.
/manage/v2/transactions (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the transactions in the cluster.
/manage/v2/transactions/{id|uri} (GET) This resource address returns information on the specified transaction.
/manage/v2/usage-report (GET) Returns a usage report.
/manage/v2/users (GET) This resource address returns a summary of the users in the cluster.
/manage/v2/users (POST) This resource address creates a new user in the security database.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name} (DELETE) This resource address deletes the named user from the named security database.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name} (GET) This resource address returns the configuration for the specified user.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name}/properties (GET) This resource address returns the properties of the specified user.
/manage/v2/users/{id|name}/properties (PUT) This resource address can be used to update the properties for the specified user.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/status (GET) This resource returns the status for the domain.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets (GET) This resource returns the set of targets configured for the domain.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name} (GET) This resource returns the specified target.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules (GET) This resource returns the set of rules for a particular target.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules (POST) This resource adds new rule.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules/ALERT_ID (DELETE) This resource deletes the specified rule.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules/ALERT_ID (GET) This resource returns the specified rule.
/v1/domains/{domain-id-or-default-domain-name}/targets/{id|name}/rules/ALERT_ID (PUT) This resource overwrites the specified rule.