‘Politics and profits are blocking our path to more inclusive, equal workplaces’

26 June 2024 | Authors: Alice Bell,

Building on recent research, Alice Bell says policymakers and business-leaders need to talk, think and act differently on EDI.

‘Tougher policing won’t reduce knife crime’

23 May 2024 | Authors: Chelsea McDonagh,

If politicians are serious about addressing youth violence, they urgently need to work with young people, says Chelsea McDonagh

A five-point plan for a green and fair future

8 February 2024 | Authors: Emily Morrison,

Net zero transition must leave no one behind, says Emily Morrison – and our research shows how national policy can make it so

‘A community space, a pub, and better lighting in public spaces’

2 February 2024 | Authors: Leonie Taylor,

What do communities need? Leonie Taylor reflects on the realities of engaging local people in planning strategies and highlights the importance of peer research as a driver for change.

‘From incarceration to transformation’: creating homes for former prisoners

25 January 2024

Darryn Frost QGM says the Community Knowledge Fund grant awarded to his organisation was a catalyst for positive change, ensuring prison-leavers are seen, heard and housed.

‘If there is nowhere to go, communities go nowhere’

9 January 2024 | Authors: Helen Goulden OBE,

Reflecting on the Community Ownership Commission’s report, Helen Goulden says local people have huge ambition to create great places to live, work and thrive – and so should any government.

‘Raising our expectation of participation’

29 November 2023 | Authors: Helen Goulden OBE,

We launch our new five-year strategy at a time of great challenge and division, says our CEO, Helen Goulden – and everyone in the UK should experience the power of participation to affect meaningful change

‘The link between race and wealth is difficult to dismantle’ 

20 July 2023 | Authors: Amelia Clayton,

Dr Alessandra Radicati, Amelia Clayton and Sophie De Groot highlight a widening racial wealth divide across London through the cost-of-living crisis.

‘Big change is coming, and young people are leading the way’

31 May 2023 | Authors: Daniel Farag,

Dan Farag, Director of Innovation and Practice, say meaningful solutions are led by people who’ve experienced challenges first hand.

‘Communities must be at the heart of a people-powered transition to net zero’

11 May 2023 | Authors: Samanthi Theminimulle,

The independent review calls for widespread participation in low-carbon living – yet government policy hasn’t changed, says Samanthi Theminimulle.

‘I know first-hand that immigrants can feel alienated in their own home’

13 April 2023

Kickstart peer researcher Christina Riddle shares thoughts on – and research into – the experiences of immigrants in the UK.

‘Young people experience violence daily – and our ideas for change will save lives’ 

4 April 2023 | Authors: Annais Naylor Guerrero,

Sharing her experiences, Annais Naylor Guerrero says fixing youth violence means urgently addressing mistrust in our broken system.


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