Dashboard Descriptions

Hi everyone,

describing a dashboard is something that I consider to be part of the basics of data exploration. Without knowing what I’m looking at it’s hard to say whether or not the report/dashboard I’m looking at suits my needs.

From what I see that is something Looker offered in the past, but it’s not available anymore, is that correct? Is there a way to properly describe a dashboard?

I found that there is a description parameter for LookML dashboards but only for those. Also it does not seem to do anything. It says that it’s only working for user defined dashboards but converting the dashboard throws an error message. Even if it would work it’s also very inconvenient that you can set the parameter only for LookML dashboards but you can see it only for user generated ones. Who had that idea?

I would expect the description to be shown on the dashboard itself, in the list of dashboards in the folders and on the boards.

Anyone an idea how that or at least some parts of it can be achieved? 

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