Change Download option in Looker dashboard

New Member

We would like to change the Download capability to better fit our company needs - e.g. we want specific footer to be added in PDF when downloading the dashboard. This footer can be our client's name/address or some terms document link. How that is possible ?

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Hi there! I would recommend adding a text tile to the bottom of your dashboard. You can use markdown to add images and format the text in the tile. This would then be included in PDF downloads of the dashboard. 

New Member

Hi there! I would recommend adding a text tile to the bottom of your dashboard. You can use markdown to add images and format the text in the tile. This would then be included in PDF downloads of the dashboard. 

Thank you. There are some other modifications as well we would like for e.g. if someone resizes the dashboard columns and downloads as PDF the resizing goes away. How to take care of that part ?