Marketplace Dialect Rewrites

Hello Looker Marketplacerinos,

I would like to deploy a marketplace block, but for a different SQL dialect.  It seems like I should be able to do so following the documentation here and updating the config_model with the relevant dialect changes.  However, I am running into two issues:

  1.   Out of the box (i.e. I just installed the marketplace block), when I validate the marketplace_config project, I get an error that “the model does not have a connection declared. A connection is required.”  I realize the connection is coming from the Core model via a constant, but I am not sure how to clear this error from the config model which then requires me to change the project Code Quality settings to allowing errors while committing which seems less than ideal.
  2. I’d like to overwrite the sql for some dimensions in order to get it to work with my sql dialect.  If I try to rewrite the dimension in the extended config view (in the config project), a la extends,  it validates fine there.  However, if I try to explore my new dimensions, I get a LookML error coming from the core project that a LookML error has occurred:  “Redefinition of field (my updated dimension)”.  If I go to the core project and run the validator, I see the redefinition error there.  I presume this is because the core project extends the config project (in addition to the config project extending the core project).  Does this extend structure make it impossible to redefine the sql of dimensions built in the core?  

In this particular case, I am trying to rewrite the dimensions in:  /marketplace_zendesk/files/ticket_comment_response_times_core.view.lkml to be compliant with Snowflake vice BQ.  Any thoughts here?


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