How can I modify week_start_day with refinements?

I'm investigating moving to a structure where we have a base project that gets imported into multiple client projects. In this setup, clients would be able to customize the base setup via refinements.

I see how I would override the connection value, for example, in the client projects. But I don't see a way to let clients override the week_start_day parameter in the base model.

It can't be achieved through constants (I don't think) because it's unquoted.

And I don't see a way to override it via refinements because you can only refine view & explores -- not model parameters. And as far as I know this can only be defined in the model file.

Any alternatives I'm overlooking?

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After learning more about project import I’m realizing my question doesn’t really make sense since you don’t actually import the models -- only explores and views

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