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The Bibliography of Animal Law Resources is a project of the International Institute for Animal Law (IIAL). IIAL is an organization founded to promote credible scholarship and advocacy skills on behalf of animals within the legal and legislative arenas. Support for this project, as well as the other on-going efforts of the Institute, was generously provided by a grant from the National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS). Read the full introductory letter here...


This selected bibliography on Animal Law is the result of a year-long directed research project by Erin Cunniff, a law student at the University of Cincinnati and Kristina Beck, a law student at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago. The bibliography is designed to assist individuals in researching animal law issues and will be a valuable addition to the ongoing development of the National Research Library for Animal Advocacy at The John Marshall Law School. It is presently anticipated that the bibliography will be updated online at the website, a project of the National Anti-Vivisection Society. The format of the citation style has been adapted to provide ease of convenience to the non-lawyer reader.

Special thanks must be granted to Marcia Kramer, J.D., for her assistance in coordinating this project and to NAVS for funding this project.

Kenneth Kandaras
Director, Center for Advocacy and Dispute Resolution,
The John Marshall Law School