
AnimalLaw.com is intended to serve as a resource and clearinghouse for information on law and animals. AnimalLaw.com and its sponsor, The International Institute for Animal Law, are not licensed in the practice of law nor do they hold themselves out to give legal advice on any issue. The website is designed solely for the purpose of making more easily accessible the great body of legal work concerning animals and does not purport to provide references to every resource nor to provide an exhaustive treatment of legislative and case law to the public.

Matters of opinion offered by IIAL, such as legislative analysis and model statutes, are those rendered by The International Institute for Animal Law in its role as a non-profit society dedicated promoting legal scholarship on animal issues. The opinions are clearly designated as such and do not purport to represent a legal viewpoint on these matters.

While AnimalLaw.com attempts to make the best use of the resources available online, the information provided in links to other sites are the responsibility of those sites, not of IIAL. The timeliness and accuracy of laws and legislation presented on a particular state's home page are the responsibility of that state and any complaints or comments should be addressed directly to the webmaster of that site. IIAL does not take responsibility for information posted by other entities on electronic media not its own.