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Human rights in the UK article archive


Human rights act, 1998


EU charter of fundamental rights

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

European court of human rights



China switches to lethal injection
January 4: China's executioners are planning to increase the use of lethal injections in order to make executions 'more humane', a senior court official told the state media yesterday


Britain rated worst in Europe for protecting privacy
December 31: Britain, the country with the world's biggest network of surveillance cameras, has the worst record in Europe for the protection of privacy, according to a report from a London-based international watchdog
04.01.08, letters: Computer security can be made to work

ID cards

Give them up for new year
January 1, leader: As he looked back on a year that was going so right until it went horribly wrong, the prime minister yesterday received unsolicited advice from the new Liberal Democrat leader about how to ensure 2008 turns out more happily. Scrap ID cards
05.12.07: Information chief calls for review of ID card plans
05.11.07: ID cards could be delayed

Freedom of Information Act

Vow to get tough on 'right to know'
December 30: Government departments and other public bodies were last night warned that they face legal action unless they comply fully with the Freedom of Information Act

DNA census

Civil rights fears over DNA 'census'
December 30: More than 100,000 people, including children as young as 10, will be asked to provide saliva tests and DNA samples in a new annual survey of the lives, behaviour and beliefs of people in the United Kingdom

Tamil warlord: Colonel Karuna

Tamil warlord entered UK on forged passport
December 21: Sri Lanka's high commissioner has been called to the Foreign Office to explain how a Tamil paramilitary leader - detained on suspicion of immigration offences and being investigated for possible war crimes - entered Britain on a forged diplomatic passport


Guantánamo three released from custody
December 20: British residents freed from Guantánamo Bay yesterday released from UK custody in time for Christmas

Comment and debate

Britain's own Guant嫕amo
December 21, Gareth Peirce: The injustices faced by those charged with control order breaches are indefensibly brutal

A murder with consequences for us all
December 16, Nick Cohen: The Human Rights Act looks set to disappoint again, once more failing to ensure open justice

At last the great divide is coming into focus
December 16, Henry Porter: It's not left versus right that matters any more. The real division is between authority and personal liberty

The left should beware the rightwing wolf in civil liberties sheep's clothing
December 14, Polly Toynbee: A my-rights culture must not overshadow the needs of those most urgently deserving of the protection of the state
17.12.07, letters: Freedoms should be cherished

Help me put Gordon in jail
December 13, Mark Thomas: If MPs pass ridiculous laws to limit our freedom, they should be forced to abide by them too
13.12.07, Jon Henley: A glossary of US military torture euphemisms
02.12.07, Nick Cohen: In the public interest
07.12.07, Simin Jenkins: No such thing as a secure online computer
28.11.07, Julie Bindel: The refuge lottery
25.11.07, Henry Porter: In need of mass protest
21.11.07, Jenni Russell: There's plenty to fear
15.11.07, Timothy Garton Ash: Fight for freedom
08.11.07, Seamus Milne: A pointless attack on liberty
14.11.07, Ibrahim El Houdaiby: Behind closed doors


Muslim British resident in Spanish jail for two years without charge
December 17: Police say Moroccan-born man was in terror network
· Amnesty calls for inquiry into claims of torture


Diana Allen
December 14: She championed the rights of the Traveller community

Police state

No charges for police officer filmed hitting woman
December 12: No police officer is to be prosecuted as a result of the controversial incident in which a young woman was arrested outside a Sheffield nightclub last year, according to the Independent Police Complaints Commission
11.12.07, Madeleine Bunting: The policing of the artist

Swap deal

Pakistan and Britain accused of deal to swap terror suspects
December 11: Two men wanted in Pakistan for alleged terrorist activity arrested in London as part of what human rights campaigners claim is a secret deal


Continuing cost of the war on terror
December 15: We have now heard from a former CIA official that detainees interrogated by the US have without a doubt been subjected to waterboarding, torture by any other name (White House accused of mistreatment of al-Qaida detainees, December 12)

Let's restore faith in human rights
December 11: International Human Rights Day yesterday marked the start of a year-long celebration of the 60th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights

Civil liberties

The liberties stripped today could be lost to us all tomorrow
December 10, Natasha Walter: Plans to extend pre-trial detention have sparked opposition - yet many are already locked up for months without charge
07.11.07: So, Mr Cameron, what would you do?
28.10.07, Henry Porter: Labour's liberty theft


Lisbon leaders accused of ignoring Darfur crisis
December 8: African and European MPs attack summit agenda
· British boycott criticised by EC president Barroso
15.11.07: Law lords back Home Office in Darfur appeal
06.11.07, John Laughland: On the path to barbarity

Terror detention

Detention limit increase attracts new round of criticism
December 7: Parliament would have to approve extensions
· I am clear that a risk exists, says home secretary
06.12.07: Smith seeks 42-day detention limit
15.11.07: How Lord West said 'Aye, aye' to the PM
12.11.07: UK limit is longest of any democracy
12.11.07: How UK compares to rest of world
10.10.07: Met chief wants suspects held up to 90 days


CIA destroyed video of 'waterboarding' al-Qaida detainees
December 7: The CIA destroyed video evidence of its secret rendition programme in order to shield agents from prosecution, it was revealed yesterday
17.11.07: Briton jailed in Iraq claims he was tortured


NHS ignoring human rights of people with learning disabilities
December 3: Skin and tissue preserved in rare fossil discovery
· Size of herbivore's rump 'shows it could do 28mph'

Climate change

Cut carbon by up to third to save poor, UN tells west
November 28: Britain singled out for lack of ambition and delays on renewable energy sources

Rendition flights

Air firm accused of rendition flights role
November 27: The US government is attempting to halt a lawsuit that could establish whether any of the Central Intelligence Agency's so-called rendition flights have been partly planned on British soil
28.10.07: Call for outlawing of 'rendition' flights
19.10.07: Claims of secret CIA jail on British island

Data protection

Data protection minister was unaware of missing discs
November 27: Criticism of the government exacerbated by the admission by data protection minister, Michael Wills, that he did not know discs had been lost
22.11.07: Hundreds of databases at risk - report
21.11.07, Jenni Russell: Europe's concern revealed

David Irving

Irving and Griffin spark fury at Oxford Union debate
November 27: Demonstrators breach security cordon
· Speakers forced to address audience separately
28.11.07, letter: Setting the boundaries on freedom of speech
26.11.07: Irving refuses to back out of debate
26.11.06: 'Awful, abhorrent' - but debate must go on
26.11.07, Max Hastings: Debate should not be stifled


Mining accused of complicity in rights violations
November 20: British mining corporations are "complicit" in human rights abuses while making large profits in developing countries, according to a report published today

Children's rights

UK condemned for failing to protect children's rights
November 20: Youngsters in prison most vulnerable, says watchdog
· Government warned to act or face scrutiny from UN

Passenger data

Airlines told they must reveal passenger data
November 7: Plan among series of EU anti-terrorism measures
· Package will not work, say civil liberties groups

Arrest of Tamil paramilitary

Tamil paramilitary held over immigration offences
November 6: Human rights groups urge war crimes prosecution
· Pro-government faction accused of child abduction

Jean Charles de Menezes

Fatal flaws in the fight against terror
November 4, leader: Jean Charles de Menezes was shot for want of evidence. In a society where the forces of the state disregard evidence there is no justice, only arbitrary power.
07.09.07: Met chief mauled by watchdog over de Menezes killing

Control orders

An injustice endorsed
November 1, Moazzam Begg: The law lords have failed to properly recognise the intolerable burden of control orders.

Learco Chindamo

Court rejects challenge over Chindamo ruling
October 31: A senior high court judge today turned down a government request to reconsider a tribunal's decision not to deport Learco Chindamo, the murderer of the headteacher Philip Lawrence.


British citizen appeals against three-year detention in Iraq
October 29: Lawyers for a British-Iraqi citizen, Hilal al-Jedda, who has been held in Iraq by British forces for three years on suspicion of terrorism will ask the House of Lords today to rule that his detention is unlawful and he should be returned to Britain.


CCTV is no silver bullet - it risks making life less safe
November 1, Libby Brooks :It's not only about civil liberties. The cameras produce fallible images, encourage detachment, and corrode civic values.
28.10.07, Nick Rosen: Ten ways to thwart Big Brother
13.10.07: Film stars of CCTV


A jewel of democracy
October 26: Last year we asked readers to nominate the neglected event in Britain's radical past that best deserves a proper monument. You chose the Putney debates of 1647, where ordinary people established the principle of votes for all. At last, writes Tristram Hunt, its place in history will be celebrated - at St Mary's parish church, starting tonight.


Law lords allow human rights claims against Scottish prisons
October 25: Thousands of prison inmates and former prisoners are expected to win more than £70m in compensation for breaches of their human rights after test case ruling.


Brown: we need bill of rights as well as Human Rights Act
October 25: Constitutional reform plans will expand MP powers and end protest ban.

Deadly weapons

The Met's soft but deadly weapon
October 17, Jon Henley: The dum-dum or manstopper, is favoured by law enforcement officers around the world because if you are hit with one, you are less likely to be capable of doing anything afterwards than if you were hit with an ordinary bullet. Jean Charles de Menezes was hit with seven, in the head.

Anti-war protests

Police allow anti-war march to parliament
October 8: Thousands join rally after police lift threat to invoke 19th century legislation against march.

Hysterectomy row

Mother defends hysterectomy for disabled daughter
October 8: Campaigners say surgery raises ethical issues
· Removal of womb 'in best interests' of girl, 15


Could you be a human rights judge?

Europe's next step

Key link: The charter of fundamental rights
Just as Britain gets used to idea of the Human Rights Act, the EU introduces its charter of fundamental rights - find out what it means on the official site.

The law explained

The biggest change in UK law for more than 300 years
The new act in detail.

 Recent articles
04.01.08   China switches to lethal injection
04.01.08   Computer security can be made to work
01.01.08   Give them up for new year
31.12.07   Britain rated worst in Europe for protecting privacy
30.12.07   Civil rights fears over DNA 'census'
30.12.07   Vow to get tough on 'right to know'
21.12.07   Britain's own Guantánamo
21.12.07   Tamil warlord entered UK on forged passport
20.12.07   Guant嫕amo three released from custody
17.12.07   Muslim British resident in Spanish jail for two years without charge
17.12.07   Freedoms should be cherished
16.12.07   A murder with consequences for us all
16.12.07   At last the great divide is coming into focus
15.12.07   Continuing cost of the war on terror
14.12.07   Diana Allen
21.12.07  Britain's own Guantánamo
14.12.07  The left should beware the rightwing wolf in civil liberties sheep's clothing
13.12.07  Help me put Gordon in jail
11.12.07  The policing of the artist
10.12.07  The liberties stripped from the weak today could be lost to us all tomorrow
07.12.07  In the age of leaky data, there is no such thing as a secure online computer
28.11.07  The refuge lottery
26.11.07  Students need to know what sort of dangerous people are out there
21.11.07  Even if you've got nothing to hide, there's plenty to fear
15.11.07  The threat from terrorism does not justify slicing away our freedoms
14.11.07  Behind closed doors
08.11.07  A pointless attack on liberty that fuels the terror threat
06.11.07  On the path to barbarity
01.11.07  CCTV is no silver bullet - it risks making life less safe
01.11.07  An injustice endorsed


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