What happens during the camp?

Here’s how the weekend should flow:

Day 1: Friday

6.30pm for 7pm start: Kick-off event

The evening reception on the first day will be a chance for participants to find out more about the projects we’ll be working on, matching them up with a team and getting to know each other.

There will be some introductions and a light meal.

We will also introduce the camp and explain what will happen in the next two and a half days. This first evening, is just about having a nice time and getting to know people.

Day 2: Saturday

9am: Breakfast

Bright and early start on Saturday.

While we enjoy breakfast we will explain how the rest of the weekend is going to work.

There are some areas that need to be reflected on:

1.) What’s the problem you're trying to solve?
2.) What type of technology will enable this
3.) How will you sustain your idea?
4.) How will you build a community of users?
5.) What are you going to do after the Social Innovation Camp weekend

Each idea will have an assigned space for the weekend and the campers will find their way to the different ideas based on what they like best. There is also flexibility if required during the camp.

It’s most likely that this Saturday morning will be the pen-and-paper stage; scoping the idea, thinking about what needs to be created, how it’s going to work, who’s going to do what etc.

12.45pm: Morning round-up

Informal gathering to discuss how far you’ve got and find out what other people have been up to before lunch.

1pm: Lunch

2pm: Back on it

This could be a great time for teams to begin building their prototype – four/five hours of hacking stuff, designing campaigns, creating business models etc

6.45pm Saturday round-up

They’ll be another informal review of the afternoon.

7pm: Dinner

Day 3 : Sunday

9am Breakfast

More building time and polishing the final pitch.

2pm-4pm Show and Tell

After a sprint to the finish, everyone should gather to listen to each team to share what they’ve been working on over the weekend.

4pm Pub, go home, sleep

Hopefully participants will be going home with some interesting new contacts; new paths to pursue and be that one step closer to creating something interesting.

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