Connecting communities: solving social problems one ACTION at a time

jacintai's picture
What's this idea about?
In less than 100 words, what is your idea?: 
Users contribute ideas as to small ACTIONS one person can do to make a difference in their community. Individuals can then pledge their time or money to undertake these short/ medium/ long term, real world, location-based commitments, and are incentivised to do so. These commitments are then grouped according to existing mainstream interests (eg sport/ physical activity, art/ written word etc) and targeted to relevant groups (eg local sports clubs/ art schools etc) to encourage everyday ‘non-activists’ to take part. Existing social media/ bookmarking will bring new and repeat users to the website, through the use of an ACTION tag.
What is the social need or challenge your idea could address?: 
A feeling of apathy or disengagement among communities swamped with constant news of significant global problems such as poverty or climate change.
What’s really new about your idea?: 
This idea leverages existing online and offline networks to foster engagement, connection, momentum and finally, ACTION. In doing so, it helps to solve an array of user-identified social problems; locally, nationally and potentially, globally.
Stage of development
From 1-5, what stage of development would you say your idea was in?: 
What can we do for you?
Select which are the one or two most important things that you need to help the development of your idea: 
Developer - to help you create your software
Funder - to give you some initial cash
If Social Innovation Camp is able to help push your idea forward, do you have the time or desire to take ownership of it?: 
Anything else you want to tell us?: 
I'm passionate about: the media, international development, communication for development/ social change, documentary film making. Other interests: social media and its influence on mainstream media, collaborative and participatory processes and technologies, creating ‘spaces’ for Southern voices and vulnerable groups in social and mainstream media.
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fxl's picture

Re: Connecting communities: solving social problems one ...

I like this one. I can imagine using it already.

tzarha's picture

Re: Connecting communities: solving social problems one ...

Love this.

In addition to "What is the social need or challenge your idea could address?"...

This also helps organise & fully utilise untapped resources (skills, interests, gifts, time, money etc) available in communities at large, and channel them toward causes, problem-solving & tangible solutions. Many good ideas and intentions remain just that; not acted upon because of the challenges or a lack of ease in harnessing necessary resources. This makes it easier to match resources up with ideas & problem-solving efforts.

It can give people a greater sense of meaning to know that they are contributing in a real way to something that makes a difference.

After all, as Margaret Mead famously said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." I see this idea facilitating little "action-groups" that come together to do something about the things they care about.

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