Fancy a match?

Patrick Kelso's picture
What's this idea about?
In less than 100 words, what is your idea?: 
A website that allows people to find other local people interested in a friendly sporting match at a convenient time. Users can list their preferred sports and times and find other interested people. An SMS or Twitter alert could be sent if nearby participants are eager for a game that day.
What is the social need or challenge your idea could address?: 
This will build communities allowing people who may not meet otherwise to get together for a friendly game of footy/cricket/basketball/bocce etc. It will foster friendships and encourage participation in activity that will also combat obesity.
What’s really new about your idea?: 
Hasn't been done before. Social Networking writ small.
Stage of development
What inspired you to come up with your idea in the first place?: 
Lack of friends that are interested in cricket. I wanted a way of finding people to play cricket with.
From 1-5, what stage of development would you say your idea is in? - Explain further: 
What can we do for you?
Select which are the one or two most important things that you need to help the development of your idea: 
Developer - to help you create your software
Funder - to give you some initial cash
If Social Innovation Camp is able to help push your idea forward, do you have the time or desire to take ownership of it?: 
Average: 3 (5 votes)
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Humanise's picture

Implementation methods for Fancy a match?

I have created a blog detailing some methods that allow the Internet Implementation of this idea. The blog is called 'Implementation Options for some Social Innovation Camp Ideas'. It is available at the following address:

It should be noted that all the following ideas have some similarity in their required implementation tasks:

2 Bob's Worth
Fancy a match?
Can I borrow a....
Develop a car pooling database package for local councils
Work experience for the disadvantaged
Work Placements Directory
Community toolshed online
Digs for the disadvantaged

My blog starts with implementation ideas that are very specific to the task, allowing the task to be easily implemented without needing specialist skills or programmers, and then progresses to those that give a lot more flexibility but need more skills to implement.

If anyone wants to try out the first and easiest option then they can contact me and I will setup an installation where you can try it out.

Priscilla's picture

Re: Fancy a match?

Tennis Australia currently does this ... but only for tennis. I have had a listing on there for many months to look for a tennis partner near where I live, but am yet to find a partner.

How will you ensure that this idea really takes off? It seems to me that it will work only if there are may people listed on the site.

Andrew Brough's picture

Re: Fancy a match?

This has worked in other places. Have a look at which I used while living in london to find matches in different locations around town. It worked well, was simple to use and got me out playing tennis.

How to focus the approach is important and I would start with one sport first then if it works add others. Also the community building aspect is important so have a think about this!

fxl's picture

Re: Fancy a match?

Sounds nice and simple. I like it. Solves a very specific problem that's not easily solved by traditional means.

I'm thinking, maybe something like:

Use case 1:
Regularly, every wednesday and thursday night, you have free time for tennis in your area. So you register interest, put in contact details (twitter, email), times available, locations, sports wanted, personal skill level.

And then wait for people to say they are available at that time.

Use case 2:
You've got some time on your hands and you want to see what people in your location/skill/timeslot want to do.
You browse the site, and notice that there are 6 people available for bocce, you've got a set. So you post a notice and everyone gets notified. And they send confirmations to the site, so the site can confirm if the activity is going to happen.

I think this requires a good sit down and think.

SMS would be good, but that costs someone money.

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