On The Ground Help for Remote Aboriginal Community

Red Cockatoo Australia's picture
What's this idea about?
In less than 100 words, what is your idea?: 
Many remote Aboriginal Communities need on the ground independent, practical and effective help with day to day tasks. Access to healthy fresh food is one way the average Australian could help our Indigenous people - how can this be achieved using the web ? I don't know but wanted to put it " out there". My recent trip to Papunya highlighted to very real and practical ways people can help support these communities.
What is the social need or challenge your idea could address?: 
Hundreds and hundreds of Aboriginal poeple live in isolated parts of our beautiful country, with limited or no access to public transport to get them to doctors appointments and to bring fresh food to them. Many of these communities are very low income family units and the high cost of transport and basic fruit and vegetables limit their choices considerably. Junk food is a quick and cheaper option for them adding to the huge problem of adult and child diabetes, heart and kidney problems.
What’s really new about your idea?: 
Hasn't been considered much before by the average Australian....There is NO NATIONAL charity in Australia 100% focussed to Aboriginal People...That's a worry isn't it? Mission Australia and Red Cross do have Aboriginal prgrams however.
Stage of development
What inspired you to come up with your idea in the first place?: 
Visiting Aboriginal communities with a current project we are running setting up sustainable incomes for artists via Eco gift cards. Im passionate about mainstream Australia giving to OUR Indigenous people rather than sending much of our money for charity overseas.
From 1-5, what stage of development would you say your idea is in? - Explain further: 
What can we do for you?
Tell us what we can do for you: 
To meet people equally passionate about on the ground support for Aboriginal communities....to toss around ideas about setting up some kind of social enterprise around this...To use this as an example project to work on perhaps?
Select which are the one or two most important things that you need to help the development of your idea: 
Mentor - to help you through the process of turning your idea into reality
Funder - to give you some initial cash
If Social Innovation Camp is able to help push your idea forward, do you have the time or desire to take ownership of it?: 
Anything else you want to tell us?: 
I love Aboriginal art - can't get enough of it.....It's so special, sacred, significant...
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Andrew Brough's picture

Re: On The Ground Help for Remote Aboriginal Community

I think its also useful for you to think how you could pilot an approach focussed on one thing (like healthy eating, financial literacy....) in one community, possibly with partner organisations already working there? Also if communities don't have access to the web (you need to work out which ones might have reasonable web access) you might want to think about either how to get them access or how web access might make partners work closer with the communities. Access might be better served through mobile phones also in these communities. As highlighted above there are a range of charities and government organisations focussed on a range of indigenous issues, so have a look at a few and their focus and see if there is a gap you could fill - hopefully you’re at the meetup tonight and can brainstorm some more ideas.
Red Cockatoo Australia's picture

Re: On The Ground Help for Remote Aboriginal Community

Thanks for that - Focus is Healthy Eating / Accessable fresh food.. Have had to pull out of tonight as an important local Aboriginal event has come up. Thanks so much for your input ! I am a member of ANTaR and Reco NSW and have researched and talked with Indigenous managers at Red Cross and Mission Australia - None of whom have fresh food and healthy eating as a priority or project. More later...
Priscilla's picture

Re: On The Ground Help for Remote Aboriginal Community

You say "There is NO NATIONAL charity in Australia 100% focussed to Aboriginal People". I can think of at least two: http://www.reconciliation.org.au http://www.antar.org.au In fact, I know ANTaR runs a social enterprise that sells Aboriginal products, and they sell cards, so you should consider speaking with them about this idea.
Red Cockatoo Australia's picture

Re: On The Ground Help for Remote Aboriginal Community

Thanks Katie, Yes I am a mamber of both ANTaR and Reconciliation Australia. Recently attended Reco NSW Conference too...(ANTaR already stock our gift cards but THANK YOU SO MUCH for your kind words and help. These are AMAZING organisations but VERY VERY limited in staffing which limits their potential to achieve HUGE change that I aspire to for the Aboriginal people. ( I am a total idealist) I guess I also meant an organisation with the capacity of red Cross and Mission Australia but 100% Aborigial Community focussed. I have recently ( since my entry) talked with project officers in both Red Cross, Mission Australia and in general Aboriginal circles about the fresh food idea... Indigenous Community Volunteers are AMAZING people and run AMAZING projects so I am now donating money to them and linking them up on my website. They are community needs driven which is wonderful. Better get back to it...Thanks again for your comments...
totocol's picture

Re: On The Ground Help for Remote Aboriginal Community

Hi Red Cockatoo, I'd encourage you to come to the ideas development meetup we will have in Western Sydney on Dec 2. You can sign up here: http://asix.org.au/event/western-sydney-ideas-generation-meetup It will be good to get together with a group of people that could help you develop your idea. Best, Raul SICamp Team
kyk20's picture

Re: On The Ground Help for Remote Aboriginal Community

Are you aware of the Nutrition Strategy that the Fred Hollows Foundation has in place? information can be located at http://www.hollows.org/Australia/Nutrition_Strategy/ and at http://www.eniar.org/pdf/8_nutrition_health.pdf The focus is on providing secure access to affordable, healthy food and on teaching families about the importance of food choice and preparation. The Foundation has set up stores in aboriginal communities (i believe supported by Woolworths) as well as working on nutrition education with families and children. K

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