Female adult film director runs for parliament with Lib Dems

The country's first female director of adult films has been selected as a Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate.

Anna Arrowsmith, managing director of adult film company Easy on the Eye, will stand for the party in Gravesham, Kent.

Under her pseudonym Anna Span the 38-year-old has produced around 300 pornographic films.

She has specialised in "women friendly" films, with titles like Where's the Rent Boys aimed at female erotica enthusiasts.

Mrs Arrowsmith asked the people of Gravesend not to judge her on the sins of her industry and pointed to her background as a campaigner for women's rights. The Lib Dems finished third in Gravesham in 2005 with just 4,851 votes.

She said: "I have gone into the industry with a view to changing it and making it more female friendly.

"In this day and age people who live in a democratic society should be able to choose what they want to watch."

She added: "I have spent years campaigning for equal opportunities for female workers and I think this has given me an excellent experience for the coming campaign."

Named best director in the 2008 and 2009 UK Adult Film and Television Awards, Mrs Arrowsmith, who also has a degree in fine arts and a Masters in Philosophy, is becoming involved in politics for the first time.

She said: "I remember as a seven-year-old watching Margaret Thatcher campaigning and voters being desperate for her to win, not because she was Conservative, my family being Labour, but because she could be the first female prime minister."

"I don't know where that strong sense fight for female equality came from but it was there even then."

Her father, Clive Thompson, was born in Greenhithe and attended Gravesend Grammar School, so despite the fact she lives in Tunbridge Wells with her husband Tim, she still feels closely attached to the area.

Anna replaces taxi driver Bruce Parmenter, who stood in the 2001 and 2005 general elections.

Highlighting preventing the huge regeneration project in the heritage quarter as a major priority, Mrs Arrowsmith also pointed to the importance of encouraging business to move to Ebbsfleet to promote local employment.

"If I were elected I would work extremely hard to make sure that the development down at Ebbsfleet benefited the local economy.

"Personally the reason I have gone into politics is I was rather disgusted at the expense issues. I am not a professional politician.

"I have worked all my life to set up a successful business and I want to fight for the rights of people in Gravesend."

A Liberal Democrats Party spokesperson said: "We are proud to have candidates throughout the country with a great diversity of backgrounds and life experiences.

"Anna will be a strong candidate for Gravesham and with her family links to the area we believe she is the best person to bring fairness to local people."