Getting from Open Data to a Knowledge Graph comprising Linked Data, with Virtuoso

Generating a Knowledge Graph using Government Open Data

Kingsley Uyi Idehen
OpenLink Virtuoso Weblog
3 min readJul 27, 2017



Every government is obligated to fuel the betterment of its citizens by providing an economic ecosystem aimed at creating opportunities that drive economic growth.



Open access to data collated by governments is the shortest route to the goal outlined above. Basically, functional governments are curators and administrators of massive databases.

Currently, data Variety (at the documentation level) remains the biggest impediment to achieving and sustaining economic growth that’s a product of the data curation and publication efforts of governments.


  1. Produce Open Data Documents (CSV)
  2. Generate 5-Star Linked Data (using preferred RDF document type:
    RDF-Ntriples, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, RDF-XML, RDF-JSON, etc.)
  3. Publish to Network (public or private)
  4. Inject Metadata relating Documents to Entities in Linked Data Graph
  5. Expose SPARQL access, faceted exploration, query endpoints
  6. Expose ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET access via Drivers and associated Data Source Names and/or direct Connect String Attributes


  • Hyperlinks identify all entities of relevance — so the meaning of anything is a single-click away (i.e., information at your fingertips, literally!)
  • Cognitive exploration and navigation of entity relationships (“Data GPS”) — via hypermedia-based deductive database documents
  • Semantic SEO for Semantic Search Agents — better search engine results page placements (SERPs)
  • Powerful foundation for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, API Economy exploitation

Virtuoso Solution

Adopting Virtuoso as your engine for achieving the goals and reaping the benefits outlined above boils down to the the following steps applied to CSV documents already published as part of an Open Data publication effort:

  1. Download, install, and start a local Virtuoso instance, or pull a Docker Container, or start a remote instance from the Amazon AWS Cloud Marketplace
  2. Install the Conductor (HTML-based DB Admin UI), Linked Data Middleware (a/k/a “Sponger”), and Faceted Browser modules from our VAD Archive Download Server
  3. For additional convenience install browser extensions such as
    OpenLink Data Explorer (ODE)
    OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS)
  4. Start Loading Data from disparate data sources by
    — visiting Web Pages and simply clicking on ODE or OSDS extension icons in your browser’s toolbar to trigger Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) operations that create 5-Star Linked Data
    using REST-ful interactions via URIs to trigger ETL operations
  5. Start experiencing power of a Knowledge Graph comprising Linked Data via
    — Faceted Browsing Tool
    — existing ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET applications
    — SQL and/or SPARQL Query-By-Example Tools (e.g., Interactive SPASQL Query Builder — for demos login using “vdb” and the username and password)

Here are some related examples that include live demo links:


Following the simple steps outlined above leaves you with a powerful point of presence on public and/or private data networks. Choosing Virtuoso lets you expose the full economic power of open data access, without compromising platform choice, performance, or privacy.





Kingsley Uyi Idehen
OpenLink Virtuoso Weblog

CEO, OpenLink Software —High-Performance Data Centric Technology Providers.