An Entity of Type: agent, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Big 12 Conference is a college athletic conference headquartered in Irving, Texas, USA. It consists of ten full-member universities. It is a member of Division I of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for all sports. Its football teams compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS; formerly Division I-A), the higher of two levels of NCAA Division I football competition. Its 10 members, in the states of Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and West Virginia, include two private Christian universities and eight public universities. Additionally, the Big 12 has 12 affiliate members — eight for the sport of wrestling, one for women's equestrianism, one for women's gymnastics and two for women's rowing. The Big 12 Conference is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Brett Yormark beca

Property Value
  • Die Big 12 Conference ist eine aus derzeit zehn Universitäten bestehende Liga für diverse Sportarten, die in der NCAA Division I spielen. Im College Football spielen die Teams in der NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS, ehemals Division I-A). Die Liga wurde 1994 gegründet, als die vormalige Big Eight Conference mit vier Schulen aus Texas fusionierte, die zuvor in der Southwest Conference spielten. Der Hauptsitz befindet sich in Irving im Bundesstaat Texas. Zu den Sportarten, in denen die Big 12 Conference Wettbewerbe organisiert, zählen Basketball, Geländelauf, Golf, Tauchen, Tennis und Leichtathletik sowie Baseball, American Football und Ringen bei den Männern und Fußball, Softball, Kunstturnen, Rudern sowie Volleyball bei den Frauen. (de)
  • The Big 12 Conference is a college athletic conference headquartered in Irving, Texas, USA. It consists of ten full-member universities. It is a member of Division I of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for all sports. Its football teams compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS; formerly Division I-A), the higher of two levels of NCAA Division I football competition. Its 10 members, in the states of Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and West Virginia, include two private Christian universities and eight public universities. Additionally, the Big 12 has 12 affiliate members — eight for the sport of wrestling, one for women's equestrianism, one for women's gymnastics and two for women's rowing. The Big 12 Conference is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Brett Yormark became the new commissioner on August 1, 2022. The Big 12 Conference was founded in February 1994. The eight members of the former Big Eight Conference joined with the Southwest Conference universities University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, Baylor University and Texas Tech University to form the conference, with play beginning in 1996. The conference's current ten campus makeup resulted from the 2010–2013 Big 12 Conference realignment, in which Nebraska joined the Big Ten Conference, Colorado joined the Pac-12, and Texas A&M and Missouri joined the Southeastern Conference. Texas Christian University and West Virginia University joined from the Mountain West and Big East Conferences respectively to offset two of the departing universities, bringing the conference to its current strength. In 2021, Texas and Oklahoma announced plans to move to the SEC in 2025. The Big 12 Conference then invited Brigham Young University, the University of Central Florida, the University of Cincinnati, and the University of Houston; all four schools will join in 2023. The Big 12 Conference, like others involved in the realignment, has kept its name primarily for marketing purposes. The conference has high name recognition and remains one of the Power Five conferences, the five highest-earning and most historically successful FBS football conferences; Power Five conferences have provided nearly all participants in the College Football Playoff since its inception, are guaranteed at least one bid to a New Year's Six bowl game, and have been granted autonomy from certain NCAA rules. (en)
  • Big 12 Conference (12 Handien Konferentzia euskaraz) NCAAko lehen mailako Konferentzia bat da. Konferentziaren bulegoak Texas estatuko Dallas hiriko aldiria den Irvingen daude. Konferentzia, ofizialki, 1994ko otsailak 25ean sortu zen eta 1996ko abuztuak 31n hasi zen. Konferentzia honetan praktikatzen diren kirolak beisbola, saskibaloia, futbol amerikarra, krosa, gimnasia, golfa, futbola, arraunketa, softbola, igeriketa eta jauziak, atletismoa, boleibola eta borroka grekoerromatarra dira. (eu)
  • La Big 12 Conference (español: Conferencia de los 12 Grandes) es una conferencia de la División I de la NCAA.Las oficinas de la conferencia están localizadas en el suburbio de Irving en Dallas, Texas. Fue oficialmente formada el 25 de febrero de 1994, y comenzó el 31 de agosto de 1996. Se conformó luego de que la Big Eight Conference incorporara a cuatro equipos de la extinta . La Big 12 se originó con doce equipos del suroeste y medio oeste. Dos equipos ingresaron y cuatro abandonaron la conferencia entre 2011 y 2012, por lo que hoy cuenta con diez equipos. Por ello, desde 2011 no se disputa partido de campeonato de fútbol americano. Desde la temporada 2014, el campeón de conferencia disputará el Sugar Bowl ante el campeón de la Southeastern Conference. Los deportes practicados en esta conferencia son: béisbol, baloncesto, equitación, fútbol americano, campo a través, gimnasia, golf, fútbol, remo, softbol, natación y saltos, atletismo, voleibol y lucha. (es)
  • La Big 12 Conference est une organisation sportive fondée en 1994 et affiliée à la Division 1 de la NCAA. La conférence regroupe 10 universités situées principalement dans le centre des États-Unis. Les universités sont implantées dans les États de l'Iowa, du Kansas, de l'Oklahoma, du Texas et de la Virginie-Occidentale, huit universités sont publiques les 2 autre étant de universités privées catholiques. Son siège social se situe à Irving dans le Texas. Actuellement, 18 disciplines sportives y sont subsidiées dont 10 sont pratiquées par des équipes féminines et 9 par des équipes masculines. Son équipe de football américain évolue en Division 1 FBS de la NCAA (anciennement dénommée Division I-A) soit le plus haut niveau de compétition du football américain universitaire. La Big 12 est une organisation sans but lucratif dont le siège se situe dans l'état du Delaware pour des raisons fiscales. Depuis 2012, le commissionner de la Conférence Big 12 est Bob Bowlsby. Le 30 juillet 2021, la Southeastern Conference (SEC) a annoncé que l'Oklahoma et le Texas quitteraient le Big 12 et rejoindraient la SEC au plus tard en juillet 2025. La Big 12 a répondu à cette évolution plusieurs semaines plus tard, annonçant le 10 septembre que BYU, Cincinnati, Houston et UCF la rejoindraient au plus tard en 2024. (fr)
  • ビッグ12カンファレンス(Big 12 Conference, Big 12)は、アメリカ合衆国中部の大学スポーツにおけるカンファレンスのひとつ。NCAAの Division I (全スポーツ)、Division I-A(アメリカンフットボール)に属する。 カンファレンスの事務局はテキサス州アービングにある。 (ja)
  • La Big 12 Conference è un'associazione sportiva di istituti statunitensi, membro della divisione I del National Collegiate Athletic Association per tutti gli sport.È nata nel 1994 quando le otto componenti della Big Eight Conference si unirono a quattro fra i maggiori atenei texani che facevano fino ad allora parte della Southwest Conference. Da sempre considerata fra le major conference, la Big 12 raggruppa le maggiori scuole del Midwest, vale a dire quella fascia geografica che va dal Texas al Nebraska, conosciuta anche come regione delle grandi praterie. La conference ha nel football americano il suo sport più popolare, ma anche la pallacanestro è forte (su tutte Kansas ha una grande tradizione, ed è stata allenata persino da James Naismith, l'inventore del gioco). La Big 12 ha sede a Dallas. (it)
  • Конфере́нция Big 12 (англ. Big 12 Conference) — конференция в первом дивизионе студенческого спорта США, основанная 25 февраля 1994 года. Штаб-квартира конференции находится в Ирвинге, штат Техас. Участники конференции соревнуются в первом дивизионе NCAA, а команды по американскому футболу в Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS), ранее известном как Division I-A. В настоящее время в состав конференции входят 10 университетов, расположенных в штатах Айова, Канзас, Оклахома, Техас и Западная Виргиния, из которых 8 государственных и 2 частных. (ru)
  • A Big 12 Conference (Conferência dos Doze Grandes, em português) é uma conferência da I Divisão da NCAA. Fundada em 25 de fevereiro de 1994, embora as competições tenham começado oficialmente em 31 de agosto de 1996. A Big 12 foi fundada com 12 equipes do sudoeste e do centro-oeste estadunidense. 8 universidades da antiga conferência: Big Eight Conference e mais 4 universidades (Texas, Texas Tech, Texas A&M e Baylor) provenientes da Southwest Conference. Com o passar do tempo, quatro equipes abandonaram a conferência entre 2011 e 2012 e mais duas ingressaram na conferência, deixando a conferência com 10 times, embora o seu nome oficial ainda seja Big 12, visto que já existe uma conferência chamada Big 10. Por este motivo, de 2011 até 2016 não se disputou uma partido de final de conferência no futebol americano, visto que a NCAA proibia conferências com menos de 12 membros de ter uma final de conferência. Esta regra foi extinta para a temporada de 2017, quando se retomou a final de conferência da Big 12 no futebol americano. Desde a temporada de 2014, o campeão de conferência do futebol americano disputa o Sugar Bowl, contra o campeão da Southeastern Conference, desde que este não seja semifinal do College Football Playoff (CFP) ou caso algum time da Big 12 se classifique para as semifinais do CFP, o vice-campeão é selecionado para disputar o Sugar Bowl em seu lugar. Os esportes praticados nesta conferência são: basebol, basquetebol, hipismo, futebol americano, Cross country, ginástica, golfe, futebol, remo, softbol, natação e Saltos ornamentais, atletismo, voleibol e Wrestling. (pt)
  • 12大联盟,或直譯大12聯盟(Big 12 Conference),是美国大学体育协会(NCAA)的一个子联盟,一共有10所学校,分布在美国中部和南部的数州。它的所有運動項目均屬於NCAA第一級;其中美式足球更是參與兩個次分級當中較高等級旳「足球盃賽」競爭。联盟辦公室設在德克萨斯州的达拉斯衛星城市欧文的拉斯科林納斯社區。 联盟名義上成立于1994年2月25日,由原来的和原屬於的4所德州学校合并而成;但實際上由於原有聯盟的一些阻力,新聯盟的各項運動競賽直到1996年8月31日才得以順利展開。在大多數的運動項目裡,聯盟內區分成兩區比賽。奧克拉荷馬州與德州的學校屬於南區,而其他各校則屬於北區。在2010-2013年间联盟大调整中,科羅拉多大學、內布拉斯加-林肯大學在2011年脫離聯盟,之后2012年德克萨斯州农工大学、密苏里大学转投东南联盟,德克萨斯基督教大学和西弗吉尼亚大学加入,形成了今日的十校格局。 2021 年,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和俄克拉荷马州立大学宣布计划在2025年加入东南联盟。12大联盟随后邀请杨百翰大学、中佛罗里达大学、辛辛那提大学和休斯顿大学;所有四所学校都将在2023年加入。 出于商业宣传考量以及避免同十大联盟(现有14校)混淆,并没有更换联盟名称。该联盟具有很高的知名度,并且仍然是五强联盟,被认为是产生大学美式足球季后赛冠军球队的主要竞争者。 (zh)
  • 1994-02-25 (xsd:date)
  • 1994-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
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  • right (en)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • Big 12 Conference Member locations (en)
  • Big 12 Conference logo from 2004 to 2014 (en)
  • Original Big 12 Conference logo from 1996 to 2004 (en)
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  • #FFFFFF (en)
  • left/right/center (en)
  • 1994-02-25 (xsd:date)
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  • left/right/center (en)
  • Big 12 Conference logo.svg (en)
  • Big 12 original logo.png (en)
  • Big 12 Conference logo.svg (en)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • 250 (xsd:integer)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • Big 12 Conference (en)
  • SEC (en)
  • (en)
  • South Atlantic (en)
  • West North Central (en)
  • West South Central (en)
  • yes (en)
  • 2022 (xsd:integer)
  • 23 (xsd:integer)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • 600 (xsd:integer)
  • 13 (xsd:integer)
  • Big 12 Conference (12 Handien Konferentzia euskaraz) NCAAko lehen mailako Konferentzia bat da. Konferentziaren bulegoak Texas estatuko Dallas hiriko aldiria den Irvingen daude. Konferentzia, ofizialki, 1994ko otsailak 25ean sortu zen eta 1996ko abuztuak 31n hasi zen. Konferentzia honetan praktikatzen diren kirolak beisbola, saskibaloia, futbol amerikarra, krosa, gimnasia, golfa, futbola, arraunketa, softbola, igeriketa eta jauziak, atletismoa, boleibola eta borroka grekoerromatarra dira. (eu)
  • ビッグ12カンファレンス(Big 12 Conference, Big 12)は、アメリカ合衆国中部の大学スポーツにおけるカンファレンスのひとつ。NCAAの Division I (全スポーツ)、Division I-A(アメリカンフットボール)に属する。 カンファレンスの事務局はテキサス州アービングにある。 (ja)
  • Конфере́нция Big 12 (англ. Big 12 Conference) — конференция в первом дивизионе студенческого спорта США, основанная 25 февраля 1994 года. Штаб-квартира конференции находится в Ирвинге, штат Техас. Участники конференции соревнуются в первом дивизионе NCAA, а команды по американскому футболу в Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS), ранее известном как Division I-A. В настоящее время в состав конференции входят 10 университетов, расположенных в штатах Айова, Канзас, Оклахома, Техас и Западная Виргиния, из которых 8 государственных и 2 частных. (ru)
  • 12大联盟,或直譯大12聯盟(Big 12 Conference),是美国大学体育协会(NCAA)的一个子联盟,一共有10所学校,分布在美国中部和南部的数州。它的所有運動項目均屬於NCAA第一級;其中美式足球更是參與兩個次分級當中較高等級旳「足球盃賽」競爭。联盟辦公室設在德克萨斯州的达拉斯衛星城市欧文的拉斯科林納斯社區。 联盟名義上成立于1994年2月25日,由原来的和原屬於的4所德州学校合并而成;但實際上由於原有聯盟的一些阻力,新聯盟的各項運動競賽直到1996年8月31日才得以順利展開。在大多數的運動項目裡,聯盟內區分成兩區比賽。奧克拉荷馬州與德州的學校屬於南區,而其他各校則屬於北區。在2010-2013年间联盟大调整中,科羅拉多大學、內布拉斯加-林肯大學在2011年脫離聯盟,之后2012年德克萨斯州农工大学、密苏里大学转投东南联盟,德克萨斯基督教大学和西弗吉尼亚大学加入,形成了今日的十校格局。 2021 年,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和俄克拉荷马州立大学宣布计划在2025年加入东南联盟。12大联盟随后邀请杨百翰大学、中佛罗里达大学、辛辛那提大学和休斯顿大学;所有四所学校都将在2023年加入。 出于商业宣传考量以及避免同十大联盟(现有14校)混淆,并没有更换联盟名称。该联盟具有很高的知名度,并且仍然是五强联盟,被认为是产生大学美式足球季后赛冠军球队的主要竞争者。 (zh)
  • The Big 12 Conference is a college athletic conference headquartered in Irving, Texas, USA. It consists of ten full-member universities. It is a member of Division I of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for all sports. Its football teams compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS; formerly Division I-A), the higher of two levels of NCAA Division I football competition. Its 10 members, in the states of Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and West Virginia, include two private Christian universities and eight public universities. Additionally, the Big 12 has 12 affiliate members — eight for the sport of wrestling, one for women's equestrianism, one for women's gymnastics and two for women's rowing. The Big 12 Conference is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Brett Yormark beca (en)
  • La Big 12 Conference (español: Conferencia de los 12 Grandes) es una conferencia de la División I de la NCAA.Las oficinas de la conferencia están localizadas en el suburbio de Irving en Dallas, Texas. Fue oficialmente formada el 25 de febrero de 1994, y comenzó el 31 de agosto de 1996. Se conformó luego de que la Big Eight Conference incorporara a cuatro equipos de la extinta . Los deportes practicados en esta conferencia son: béisbol, baloncesto, equitación, fútbol americano, campo a través, gimnasia, golf, fútbol, remo, softbol, natación y saltos, atletismo, voleibol y lucha. (es)
  • Die Big 12 Conference ist eine aus derzeit zehn Universitäten bestehende Liga für diverse Sportarten, die in der NCAA Division I spielen. Im College Football spielen die Teams in der NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS, ehemals Division I-A). Die Liga wurde 1994 gegründet, als die vormalige Big Eight Conference mit vier Schulen aus Texas fusionierte, die zuvor in der Southwest Conference spielten. Der Hauptsitz befindet sich in Irving im Bundesstaat Texas. (de)
  • La Big 12 Conference est une organisation sportive fondée en 1994 et affiliée à la Division 1 de la NCAA. La conférence regroupe 10 universités situées principalement dans le centre des États-Unis. Les universités sont implantées dans les États de l'Iowa, du Kansas, de l'Oklahoma, du Texas et de la Virginie-Occidentale, huit universités sont publiques les 2 autre étant de universités privées catholiques. Son siège social se situe à Irving dans le Texas. Actuellement, 18 disciplines sportives y sont subsidiées dont 10 sont pratiquées par des équipes féminines et 9 par des équipes masculines. (fr)
  • La Big 12 Conference è un'associazione sportiva di istituti statunitensi, membro della divisione I del National Collegiate Athletic Association per tutti gli sport.È nata nel 1994 quando le otto componenti della Big Eight Conference si unirono a quattro fra i maggiori atenei texani che facevano fino ad allora parte della Southwest Conference. Da sempre considerata fra le major conference, la Big 12 raggruppa le maggiori scuole del Midwest, vale a dire quella fascia geografica che va dal Texas al Nebraska, conosciuta anche come regione delle grandi praterie. La conference ha nel football americano il suo sport più popolare, ma anche la pallacanestro è forte (su tutte Kansas ha una grande tradizione, ed è stata allenata persino da James Naismith, l'inventore del gioco). La Big 12 ha sede a D (it)
  • A Big 12 Conference (Conferência dos Doze Grandes, em português) é uma conferência da I Divisão da NCAA. Fundada em 25 de fevereiro de 1994, embora as competições tenham começado oficialmente em 31 de agosto de 1996. Os esportes praticados nesta conferência são: basebol, basquetebol, hipismo, futebol americano, Cross country, ginástica, golfe, futebol, remo, softbol, natação e Saltos ornamentais, atletismo, voleibol e Wrestling. (pt)
  • Big 12 Conference (en)
  • Big 12 Conference (de)
  • Big 12 Conference (eu)
  • Big 12 Conference (es)
  • Big 12 Conference (fr)
  • Big 12 Conference (it)
  • ビッグ12カンファレンス (ja)
  • Конференция Big 12 (ru)
  • Big 12 Conference (pt)
  • 12大联盟 (zh)
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