About: TransferJet

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TransferJet is a close proximity wireless transfer technology initially proposed by Sony and demonstrated publicly in early 2008. By touching (or bringing very close together) two electronic devices, TransferJet allows high speed exchange of data. The concept of TransferJet consists of a touch-activated interface which can be applied for applications requiring high-speed data transfer between two devices in a peer-to-peer mode without the need for external physical connectors. TransferJet Specifications Comparison with NFC

Property Value
  • TransferJet ist eine von Sony entwickelte drahtlose Nahbereichskommunikationstechnik (englisch: close-proximity wireless transfer technology), die es erlaubt, zwischen zwei sich berührenden oder ganz nah nebeneinander liegenden Geräten über eine Distanz von maximal drei Zentimetern zwischen den Koppelantennen Daten mit sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit in beiden Richtungen zu übertragen. (de)
  • TransferJet è un protocollo ideato da Sony per la trasmissione di dati per contatto o a una distanza massima di 3 cm. Si basa sul principio di induzione di un campo elettrico. Possiede una velocità teorica di trasferimento dati di 560 Mbps ed effettiva di 375Mbps. (it)
  • TransferJet(トランスファージェット)は、2008年に一般公開された近距離無線転送技術である。データを転送したい相手に機器を直接「かざす」ことにより、無線特有の面倒な設定をなくし、煩雑な初期設定も不要にした。物理的なコネクターやケーブルを必要としない非接触型の高速インターフェースとして各種用途に利用できる。近接通信の基本コンセプトはソニーの提案であり、2008年7月に業界団体TransferJetコンソーシアムが国内外の15社で発足し規格の標準化作業が始まった。2009年3月には相互接続の基本となるPHY/MAC層を定義した規格が完成した。TransferJetのロゴと商標はTransferJetコンソーシアムが管理している。またこの規格は国際標準ISO/IEC 17568 として登録され、誰でも使える仕様として公開されている。 (ja)
  • TransferJet is a close proximity wireless transfer technology initially proposed by Sony and demonstrated publicly in early 2008. By touching (or bringing very close together) two electronic devices, TransferJet allows high speed exchange of data. The concept of TransferJet consists of a touch-activated interface which can be applied for applications requiring high-speed data transfer between two devices in a peer-to-peer mode without the need for external physical connectors. TransferJet's maximum physical layer transmission rate is 560 Mbit/s. After allowing for error correction and other protocol overhead, the effective maximum throughput is 375 Mbit/s. TransferJet will adjust the data rate downward according to the wireless environment, thereby maintaining a robust link even when the surrounding wireless condition fluctuates. TransferJet has the capability of identifying the unique MAC addresses of individual devices, enabling users to choose which devices can establish a connection. By allowing only devices inside the household, for example, one can prevent data theft from strangers while riding a crowded train. If, on the other hand, one wishes to connect the device with any other device at a party, this can be done by simply disabling the filtering function. TransferJet uses the same frequency spectrum as UWB, but occupies only a section of this band available as a common worldwide channel. Since the RF power is kept under -70 dBm/MHz, it can operate in the same manner as that of UWB devices equipped with DAA functionality. In addition, this low power level also ensures that there will be no interference to other wireless systems, including other TransferJet systems, operating nearby. By reducing the RF power and spatial reach down to a few centimeters (about an inch or less), a TransferJet connection in its most basic mode does not require any initial setup procedure by the user for either device, and the action of spontaneously touching one device with another will automatically trigger the data transfer. More complex usage scenarios will require various means to select the specific data to send as well as the location to store (or method to process) the received data. TransferJet utilizes a newly developed TransferJet Coupler based on the principle of electric induction field as opposed to radiation field for conventional antennas. The functional elements of a generic TransferJet Coupler consist of a coupling electrode or plate, a resonant stub and ground. Compared to conventional radiating antennas, the TransferJet Coupler achieves higher transmission gain and more efficient coupling in the near-field while providing sharp attenuation at longer distances. Because the Coupler generates longitudinal electric fields, there is no polarization and the devices can be aligned at any angle. TransferJet Specifications Although sometimes confused with Near Field Communication, TransferJet depends on an entirely different technology and is also generally targeted for different usage scenarios focusing on high-speed data transfer. Thus these two systems will not interfere with each other and can even co-exist in the same location, as already implemented in certain products.Other recent products combine TransferJet with wireless power to allow both data transfer and wireless charging capability simultaneously in the same location. TransferJet, NFC and wireless power are the three major near-field (contact-less) technologies that are expected to eliminate the physical connections and cables currently required to interface devices with each other. Comparison with NFC The TransferJet Consortium was established in July 2008 to advance and promote the TransferJet Format, by developing the technical specifications and compliance testing procedures as well as creating a market for TransferJet-compliant, interoperable products. In September 2011, the consortium was registered as an independent non-profit industry association. As of June 2015, the Consortium is led by five Promoter companies, consisting of: JRC, NTT, Olympus, Sony (consortium administrator), and Toshiba. The Consortium currently also has around thirty Adopter companies. The TransferJet regular typeface and TransferJet logos are trademarks managed and licensed by the TransferJet Consortium. Commercial products have been introduced since January 2010 and the initial product categories include digital cameras, laptop PCs, USB cradle accessories, USB dongle accessories and office/business equipment. Compliance testing equipment is provided by Agilent technologies and certification services are offered by Allion Test Labs. The first commercially available TransferJet development platform for embedded systems was launched by Icoteq Ltd in February 2015. Smartphones with integrated TransferJet functionality were launched in June 2015 from Fujitsu, and Bkav. Other product vendors include Buffalo and . TransferJet X is a new second-generation TransferJet specification capable of data transfer speeds of 13.1 Gbit/sec and above, or about 20 times the speed of current TransferJet. This specification uses the 60 GHz band and requires only 2 msec or less to establish a connection prior to the actual data transfer, thereby enabling the exchange of large content files even in the short amount of time it takes, for example, for a person to walk through a wicket gate. The TransferJet Consortium is currently defining the details of the TransferJet X ecosystem, based on the IEEE 802.15.3e standard completed and published in June 2017. The HRCP Research and Development Partnership, established in 2016, is developing an SoC solution for implementing TransferJet X in a variety of products and services to be released starting around 2020. (en)
  • TransferJet - technologia bezprzewodowej wymiany informacji pomiędzy urządzeniami znajdującymi się w niewielki oddaleniu, opracowana przez firmę Sony i upubliczniona w 2008 roku. Maksymalna prędkość transmisji wynosi 560 Mbit/s, efektywna 375 MBit/sek. Wymiana danych pomiędzy urządzeniami jest możliwa po zbliżeniu ich do siebie. Specyfikacja umożliwia połączenie tylko z wcześnie zdefiniowanym typem urządzeń bądź tylko z urządzeniem o danym adresie MAC. (pl)
  • TransferJet é um sistema de transferência de arquivos sem fio desenvolvido pela Sony. Permite a transferência de arquivos baseada em simples toques entre os aparelhos a uma velocidade incrivelmente alta de 560 Mbps, já sendo considerado o substituto dos cabos USB. O funcionamento é unir a velocidade da tecnologia UWB - sigla para Ultra Wide-Band, ou “banda ultralarga”, presente em equipamentos que permitem a conexão através de uma espécie de rede sem fio de curto alcance, como teclados e mouses wireless, com a facilidade dos aparelhos com NFC (sigla em inglês para Comunicação de Campo Próximo), que funcionam de maneira semelhante ao Bluetooth, através de conexão de alta frequência. Por utilizar um sinal de baixa frequência (4,48 GHz), o alcance máximo do sinal TransferJet é de aproximadamente 3 cm, o que permite o sistema de toque e aproximação, além de não sofrer qualquer tipo de interferência. Com isso pode-se compartilhar dados via TransferJet enquanto se utiliza o Bluetooth e/ou o sinal wireless.Está sendo implantado no mercado de eletrônicos desde o início de 2011 pela Sony, além de Casio, Pioneer, Sharp, Panasonic, Seiko, Toshiba estarem produzindo seus primeiros produtos com esta tecnologia. Os líderes e especialistas em câmeras digitas Canon, Nikon, Olympus e JVC também assinaram contrato para implementação do sistema, visto como grande vantagem para o setor. (pt)
  • TransferJet,一種近距離無線傳輸技術標準,由索尼公司研發,於2008年發表。TransferJet技術,類似於近場通訊技術,能讓兩個貼近的電子裝置,以點對點方式,高速交換資料。它的傳輸率可以達到375Mbps,主要運作於560MHz頻帶中,採用4.48GHz頻道。它與其他近場通訊技術的主要不同,在於它採取電感磁場原理,而不是無線電頻率的技術來實做,這讓它不會受到其他無線技術的干擾或退化現象。 (zh)
  • 19189578 (xsd:integer)
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  • TransferJet ist eine von Sony entwickelte drahtlose Nahbereichskommunikationstechnik (englisch: close-proximity wireless transfer technology), die es erlaubt, zwischen zwei sich berührenden oder ganz nah nebeneinander liegenden Geräten über eine Distanz von maximal drei Zentimetern zwischen den Koppelantennen Daten mit sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit in beiden Richtungen zu übertragen. (de)
  • TransferJet è un protocollo ideato da Sony per la trasmissione di dati per contatto o a una distanza massima di 3 cm. Si basa sul principio di induzione di un campo elettrico. Possiede una velocità teorica di trasferimento dati di 560 Mbps ed effettiva di 375Mbps. (it)
  • TransferJet(トランスファージェット)は、2008年に一般公開された近距離無線転送技術である。データを転送したい相手に機器を直接「かざす」ことにより、無線特有の面倒な設定をなくし、煩雑な初期設定も不要にした。物理的なコネクターやケーブルを必要としない非接触型の高速インターフェースとして各種用途に利用できる。近接通信の基本コンセプトはソニーの提案であり、2008年7月に業界団体TransferJetコンソーシアムが国内外の15社で発足し規格の標準化作業が始まった。2009年3月には相互接続の基本となるPHY/MAC層を定義した規格が完成した。TransferJetのロゴと商標はTransferJetコンソーシアムが管理している。またこの規格は国際標準ISO/IEC 17568 として登録され、誰でも使える仕様として公開されている。 (ja)
  • TransferJet - technologia bezprzewodowej wymiany informacji pomiędzy urządzeniami znajdującymi się w niewielki oddaleniu, opracowana przez firmę Sony i upubliczniona w 2008 roku. Maksymalna prędkość transmisji wynosi 560 Mbit/s, efektywna 375 MBit/sek. Wymiana danych pomiędzy urządzeniami jest możliwa po zbliżeniu ich do siebie. Specyfikacja umożliwia połączenie tylko z wcześnie zdefiniowanym typem urządzeń bądź tylko z urządzeniem o danym adresie MAC. (pl)
  • TransferJet,一種近距離無線傳輸技術標準,由索尼公司研發,於2008年發表。TransferJet技術,類似於近場通訊技術,能讓兩個貼近的電子裝置,以點對點方式,高速交換資料。它的傳輸率可以達到375Mbps,主要運作於560MHz頻帶中,採用4.48GHz頻道。它與其他近場通訊技術的主要不同,在於它採取電感磁場原理,而不是無線電頻率的技術來實做,這讓它不會受到其他無線技術的干擾或退化現象。 (zh)
  • TransferJet is a close proximity wireless transfer technology initially proposed by Sony and demonstrated publicly in early 2008. By touching (or bringing very close together) two electronic devices, TransferJet allows high speed exchange of data. The concept of TransferJet consists of a touch-activated interface which can be applied for applications requiring high-speed data transfer between two devices in a peer-to-peer mode without the need for external physical connectors. TransferJet Specifications Comparison with NFC (en)
  • TransferJet é um sistema de transferência de arquivos sem fio desenvolvido pela Sony. Permite a transferência de arquivos baseada em simples toques entre os aparelhos a uma velocidade incrivelmente alta de 560 Mbps, já sendo considerado o substituto dos cabos USB. O funcionamento é unir a velocidade da tecnologia UWB - sigla para Ultra Wide-Band, ou “banda ultralarga”, presente em equipamentos que permitem a conexão através de uma espécie de rede sem fio de curto alcance, como teclados e mouses wireless, com a facilidade dos aparelhos com NFC (sigla em inglês para Comunicação de Campo Próximo), que funcionam de maneira semelhante ao Bluetooth, através de conexão de alta frequência. (pt)
  • TransferJet (de)
  • TransferJet (it)
  • TransferJet (ja)
  • TransferJet (pl)
  • TransferJet (pt)
  • TransferJet (en)
  • TransferJet (zh)
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