How To: Extract audio tracks from videos using iMovie and GarageBand

Extract audio tracks from videos using iMovie and GarageBand

If you want to work on some audio attached to a video, then it's possible with two iLife programs on your Mac— iMovie and GarageBand. This video will show you how to strip that audio track from the video, converting it to MP3. You can strip the audio from files such as .MPG, .MOV, .AVI, .MP4, AVCHD, MPEG-2 and H.264.

After you detach the audio from the video, you can save the video through the Media Browser, then import into GarageBand, extract the audio and send the song to iTunes as an MP3.

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Brilliant! So easy and worked a treat. I'm going to try and reverse engineer this now to remove a track from a movie and then replace it with one I want :)

This process saved the audio as a .m4a file, not an .mp3. What did I do wrong?

Right after your press Send to iTunes, make sure you click on the drop-down menu for "Compress Using" and switch AAC Encoder (which creates an .m4a file) to MP3 Encoder. Then hit the Share button and you should have an .mp3 file.

How do you send just a portion of the movie's audio to iTunes? Thanks!

how can you take all the audio from a commercial track in garageband i need to know cuz i have a project due thursday. Need a response URGENTLY PLEASE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Thanks! I hope I can return the favor some day!

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