Welcome to Animal Law.com

AnimalLaw.com provides access to legislation and legal matters pertaining to the rights and welfare of animals. AnimalLaw.com supports information concerning animal cruelty, animal control, laboratory animal welfare, the use of animals in education, product testing and in the laboratory, animal control issues, and general animal welfare.

Presented by the International Institute for Animal Law, AnimalLaw.com is intended to serve as a clearinghouse for animal-related legal information, from pending legislation through relevant case law digests. While still in the developmental phase, AnimalLaw.com strives to present both objective and authoritative commentary, as well as guidance for individuals who wish to become advocates for animal issues. AnimalLaw.com utilizes information contained on state and federal websites to link directly to official public access sources for law and legislation.

Model laws are provided to assist legislators and advocates who wish to enact animal protective measures at the local or state level. A bibliography of animal law resources, updated quarterly, gives a comprehensive list of publications on many aspects of the emerging field of animal law.

Your comments on this website are always appreciated. webmaster@animallaw.com

Please note that AnimalLaw.com does NOT provide legal advice or referrals.