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Title: New York 1824 Election for Congress District 16
Date: 1824
Creator: Philip Lampi
Creator: Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives
Creator: American Antiquarian Society
Format: text/xml
People: William L. Dodge
People: Henry Markell
People: Others
Places: New York
Topics: U.S. House of Representatives
Topics: Election districts New York

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Title: New York 1824 Election for Congress District 16
Citable URL:
Author: Philip Lampi; Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives; American Antiquarian Society
Date: 1824
Citation: American Antiquarian Society and Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives. "New York 1824 Election for Congress District 16." 2010. Tufts University. Digital Collections and Archives. Medford, MA.

New York 1824 General Election for U.S. Congressman

Candidates William L. Dodge Henry Markell Others
Affiliation Republican Clintonian / Federal
Final Result 2565 3115 3
Montgomery County 2565 3115 3


Albany Argus. December 14,1824.