| - Achy Obejas (born June 28, 1956) is a Cuban-American writer and translator focused on personal and national identity issues, living in Oakland, California. She frequently writes on her sexuality and nationality, and has received numerous awards for her creative work. Obejas' stories and poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Fifth Wednesday Journal, TriQuarterly, Another Chicago Magazine and many other publications. Some of her work was originally published in Esto no tiene nombre, a Latina lesbian magazine published and edited by tatiana de la tierra, which gave voice to the Latina lesbian community. Obejas worked as a journalist in Chicago for more than two decades. For several years, she was also a writer in residence at the University of Chicago, University of Hawaii, DePaul University, Wichita State University, and Mills College in Oakland, California. She is currently a writer/editor for Netflix on the bilingual team in the Product Writing department. Obejas practices activism through writing, by telling her own story about her identity, as well as others. Written in collaboration with Megan Bayles, the anthology Immigrant Voices: 21st Century Stories, is a collection of stories that seeks to describe the experience of people who have emigrated to America. While most anthologies focus on one group, this anthology expands the perspective to multiple group identities.
- Achy Obejas (La Habana, 1956), es una periodista, poeta, traductora y narradora cubano-estadounidense. Obejas pertenece a la generación de niños cubanos que abandonaron la isla con sus padres rumbo a Estados Unidos poco después del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana. La biculturalidad, no solo vinculada a Cuba, sino al universo latino en general en Estados Unidos está muy presente en sus textos. Otro referente constante en su narrativa es el tema homoerótico, que aborda desde posiciones de militancia activa, con una actitud desenfadada, agresiva y que rompe convencionalismos. Si bien sus primeros textos narrativos aparecieron en inglés, Achy Obejas ha comenzado luego a escribir también en español y ha visto traducida su obra a este idioma. Tras regresar por primera vez a Cuba en 1995, ha mantenido estrechos vínculos con la comunidad intelectaul cubana y, desde el anonimato, apoyó económicamente durante diez años las ediciones del concurso de cuento que convoca la revista . Poemas y relato suyos han aparecido en Prairie Schooner, Fifth Wednesday Journal, TriQuarterly, Another Chicago Magazine y otras publicaciones estadounidenses, así como en . Sin embargo, sus primeros textos aparecieron en , una revista de la comunidad lesbiana latina en Estados Unidos. Ha sido periodista del Chicago Tribune y otra publicaciones durante más de dos décadas. Actualmente reside en Oakland, California donde imparte clases de creación litearia y ocasionalmente escribe reseñas para algunas revistas y sobre música para Washington Post. Fue traductora de la novela de Junot Díaz La maravillosa vida breve de Óscar Wao y también ha traducido a otros autores latinos como Rita Indiana o Wendy Guerra. Obejas ha mantenido una relación sentimental con Megan Bayles, teniendo una hija en común que lleva los apellidos de ambas. Pese a haber vivido muy poco tiempo en Cuba, Obejas se considera cubana y ha escrito parte de su obra en sus visitas a Cuba. Su novela Ruins, pese a publicarse en inglés está ambientada totalmente en La Habana. Achy Obejas también ha compilado un dossier de narrativa cubana: Inside Cuba: Voices from the Island, para la revista In These Times y la antología Havana Noir
- Achy Obejas (born June 28, 1956) is a Cuban-American writer and translator focused on personal and national identity issues, living in Benicia, California. She frequently writes on her sexuality and nationality, and has received numerous awards for her creative work. Obejas' stories and poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Fifth Wednesday Journal, TriQuarterly, Another Chicago Magazine and many other publications. Some of her work was originally published in Esto no tiene nombre, a Latina lesbian magazine published and edited by tatiana de la tierra, which gave voice to the Latina lesbian community. Obejas worked as a journalist in Chicago for more than two decades. For several years, she was also a writer in residence at the University of Chicago, University of Hawaii, DePaul University, Wichita State University, and Mills College in Oakland, California. She also worked from 2019-22 as a writer/editor for Netflix on the bilingual team in the Product Writing department. Obejas practices activism through writing, by telling her own story about her identity, as well as others. Written in collaboration with Megan Bayles, the anthology Immigrant Voices: 21st Century Stories, is a collection of stories that seeks to describe the experience of people who have emigrated to America. While most anthologies focus on one group, this anthology expands the perspective to multiple group identities.
| - Achy Obejas (born June 28, 1956) is a Cuban-American writer and translator focused on personal and national identity issues, living in Oakland, California. She frequently writes on her sexuality and nationality, and has received numerous awards for her creative work. Obejas' stories and poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Fifth Wednesday Journal, TriQuarterly, Another Chicago Magazine and many other publications. Some of her work was originally published in Esto no tiene nombre, a Latina lesbian magazine published and edited by tatiana de la tierra, which gave voice to the Latina lesbian community. Obejas worked as a journalist in Chicago for more than two decades. For several years, she was also a writer in residence at the University of Chicago, University of Hawaii, DePaul Universi
- Achy Obejas (La Habana, 1956), es una periodista, poeta, traductora y narradora cubano-estadounidense. Obejas pertenece a la generación de niños cubanos que abandonaron la isla con sus padres rumbo a Estados Unidos poco después del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana. La biculturalidad, no solo vinculada a Cuba, sino al universo latino en general en Estados Unidos está muy presente en sus textos. Otro referente constante en su narrativa es el tema homoerótico, que aborda desde posiciones de militancia activa, con una actitud desenfadada, agresiva y que rompe convencionalismos. Si bien sus primeros textos narrativos aparecieron en inglés, Achy Obejas ha comenzado luego a escribir también en español y ha visto traducida su obra a este idioma.
- Achy Obejas (born June 28, 1956) is a Cuban-American writer and translator focused on personal and national identity issues, living in Benicia, California. She frequently writes on her sexuality and nationality, and has received numerous awards for her creative work. Obejas' stories and poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Fifth Wednesday Journal, TriQuarterly, Another Chicago Magazine and many other publications. Some of her work was originally published in Esto no tiene nombre, a Latina lesbian magazine published and edited by tatiana de la tierra, which gave voice to the Latina lesbian community. Obejas worked as a journalist in Chicago for more than two decades. For several years, she was also a writer in residence at the University of Chicago, University of Hawaii, DePaul Universi