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Jacobitism (/ˈdʒækəbaɪˌtɪzəm/; Scottish Gaelic: Seumasachas, [ˈʃeːməs̪əxəs̪]; Irish: Seacaibíteachas, Séamusachas) was a political movement that supported the restoration of the senior line of the House of Stuart to the British throne. The name derives from the first name of James II and VII, which in Latin translates as Jacobus. When James went into exile after the November 1688 Glorious Revolution, the Parliament of England argued that he had abandoned the English throne, which they offered to his Protestant daughter Mary II, and her husband William III. In April, the Scottish Convention held that he "forfeited" the throne of Scotland by his actions, listed in the Articles of Grievances.

  • Na Seumasaich
  • Seacaibíteachas, Na Séamusaigh
  • Jacobitism (/ˈdʒækəbaɪˌtɪzəm/; Scottish Gaelic: Seumasachas, [ˈʃeːməs̪əxəs̪]; Irish: Seacaibíteachas, Séamusachas) was a political movement that supported the restoration of the senior line of the House of Stuart to the British throne. The name derives from the first name of James II and VII, which in Latin translates as Jacobus. When James went into exile after the November 1688 Glorious Revolution, the Parliament of England argued that he had abandoned the English throne, which they offered to his Protestant daughter Mary II, and her husband William III. In April, the Scottish Convention held that he "forfeited" the throne of Scotland by his actions, listed in the Articles of Grievances. The Revolution thus created the principle of a contract between monarch and people, which if violated meant the monarch could be removed. Jacobites argued monarchs were appointed by God, or divine right, and could not be removed, making the post-1688 regime illegitimate. While this was the most consistent difference, Jacobitism was a complex mix of ideas, many opposed by the Stuarts themselves; in Ireland, it meant tolerance for Catholicism, which James supported, but it also meant granting Irish autonomy and reversing the 17th-century land settlements, both of which he opposed. In 1745, clashes between Prince Charles and Scottish Jacobites over the 1707 Union and divine right were central to the internal conflicts that ended it as a viable movement. Outside Ireland, Jacobitism was strongest in the western Scottish Highlands, Perthshire and Aberdeenshire, and areas of Northern England with a high proportion of Catholics such as western Lancashire, Northumberland and County Durham. Sympathisers were also present in parts of Wales, the West Midlands and South West England, to some degree overlapping with areas that were strongly Royalist during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. The movement had an international dimension; several European powers sponsored the Jacobites as an extension of larger conflicts, while many Jacobite exiles served in foreign armies. In addition to the 1689–1691 Williamite War in Ireland and the Jacobite rising of 1689 in Scotland, there were serious revolts in 1715, 1719 and 1745; abortive French-backed invasion attempts in 1708 and 1744; and several unsuccessful plots. While the 1745 rising briefly threatened the Hanoverian monarchy and forced the recall of British troops from Continental Europe, its collapse and withdrawal of French support in 1748 ended Jacobitism as a serious political movement.
  • O jacobitismo foi um movimento político dos séculos XVII e XVIII na Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda que tinha por objectivo a restauração do reinado da Casa de Stuart na Inglaterra e Escócia (e depois de 1707, ano em que o Reino da Escócia e o Reino da Inglaterra num Tratado de União se uniram criando a Grã-Bretanha). Ou seja, marcou um momento de transição entre os governos absolutistas ou tradicionalistas dos Stuarts para os governos parlamentares ou liberais da Casa de Hanôver. Este tem igualmente um pendor católico e antiprotestante dos primeiros, daqueles que queriam a abertura para a prática da sua religião. A sua designação advém de Jaime II da Inglaterra (e Jaime VII da Escócia) de quem eram adeptos, cujo nome em latim era Iacobus Rex, numa altura em que era a única língua usada pelos sacerdotes durante as celebrações e aquela que do uso corrente da diplomacia. Este movimento acabaria por ser derrotado, sobretudo em dois grandes momentos e batalhas em 1715 e 1748 respectivamente. O jacobitismo foi a resposta à deposição do referido rei James em 1688, ano da Revolução Gloriosa, em que ele foi substituído pela sua filha protestante Maria II de Inglaterra juntamente com o seu marido Guilherme de Orange, por parte das forças que o apoiavam. Os Stuarts passaram a viver no continente europeu depois disso, tentando ocasionalmente recuperar o trono britânico com a ajuda da França e Espanha (e das forças católicas existentes em certas zonas como a Irlanda e as Highlands escocesas). Os realistas (royalists) apoiavam o jacobitismo porque eles acreditavam que o parlamento não tinha autoridade para interferir com a sucessão real e muitos católicos viam-no como o alívio da opressão protestante. Muitas pessoas envolveram-se nas campanhas militares por vários motivos também. Na Escócia, a causa jacobita tornou-se envolvida na agonia do sistema dos clãs guerreiros das Highlands, e tornou-se uma memória revivalista romântica. O emblema dos jacobitas é a Rosa branca de Iorque (White Rose of York). o Dia da Rosa Branca é celebrado a 10 de junho, o aniversário de Jaime Francisco Eduardo Stuart, conhecido como The old pretender que caso tivesse tido êxito teria sido o rei Jaime III de Inglaterra (VIII da Escócia), nascido em 1688.
  • Jakobiten oder Jakobiter (von englisch Jacobites, abgeleitet von Jakob II. und VII. von England und Schottland) wurden die englischen, schottischen und irischen Anhänger der im Exil lebenden Thronprätendenten aus dem Haus Stuart genannt (vor allem 1688–1766).
  • Il Giacobitismo fu un movimento politico legittimista nato nel XVII secolo, che sostenne la restaurazione del casato degli Stuart al trono di Inghilterra e Scozia. Il nome deriva dalla forma latina Jacobus del nome del re Giacomo II d'Inghilterra, che era visto dagli aderenti al movimento come erede legittimo al trono della Gran Bretagna. La causa giacobita ottenne maggiori consensi nelle Highlands e Lowlands scozzesi, in Irlanda e nell'Inghilterra settentrionale, portando avanti la convinzione che l'intromissione del parlamento inglese in merito alla successione al trono fosse da ritenersi illegale.
  • Jacobitisme (/ˈdʒækəbaɪˌtɪzm/ JAK-ə-beye-TIZ-əm;bahasa Gaelik Skotlandia: Seumasachas , bahasa Irlandia: Seacaibíteachas, Séamusachas) adalah sebuah gerakan politik di Britania Raya dan Irlandia yang bertujuan untuk merestorasi Raja Stuart Katolik Roma James VII dari Skotlandia, II dari Inggris dan Irlandia, dan para pewarisnya untuk tahta Inggris, Skotlandia dan Irlandia. Gerakan tersebut mengambil nama dari Jacobus, bentuk dari Iacomus, bentuk Latin asli dari James. Para pengikutnya antara 1688 dan 1746. Setelah James II dilengserkan pada 1688 dan digantikan oleh putrinya Mary II, yang memerintah bersama dengan suaminya dan sepupu pertamanya (keponakan James) William III, keluarga Stuart hidup dalam pengasingan, terkadang berupaya untuk merebut tahta. Kekuatan Jacobitisme berada di sebagian Dataran Tinggi Skotlandia dan dataran rendah timur laut Skotlandia, Irlandia dan sebagian Inggris Utara (sebagian dalam county-county Northumberland and Lancashire). Dukungan signifikan juga datang dari Wales dan Irlandia Barat Daya. Jacobit meyakini bahwa interfensi parlementer dengan garis suksesi tahta Inggris dan Skotlandia bersifat ilegal. Umat Katolik juga berharap keluarga Stuarts akan mengakhiri . Di Skotlandia, Jacobit tumpang tindih dengan . Lambang Jacobit adalah Putih. Hari Mawar Putih yang dirayakan pada 10 Juni memperingati kelahiran Pretender Lama pada 1688.
  • Jakobité byli příznivci britského stuartovského panovníka Jakuba II., kterému chtěli po sesazení znovu pomoci na trůny zemí Anglie, Skotska a Irska. Později pomáhali i jeho synovi princi Jakubu Františku Stuartovi a vnukovi Karlu Eduardu Stuartovi. Slovo jakobita pochází z latinského Jacobus - Jakub. Jakub II. byl sesazen v roce 1688 a na trůnu nahrazen svojí dcerou Marií II. a jejím manželem Vilémem Oranžským. Stuartovci poté žili v exilu na kontinentu a občas se pokusili o znovuzískání trůnu (s pomocí Francie a Španělska). Na Britských ostrovech bylo hlavní základnou jakobitů Irsko a Skotsko (především Highlands). Určitá podpora také existovala ve Walesu a severní Anglii. Mnozí podporovali jakobity, protože považovali zásah parlamentu do následovnictví panovníků za nelegitimní. Katolíci marně doufali, že budou zrušeny zákony diskriminující jejich vyznání, a když se tak nestalo, doufali rovněž v brzký návrat katolických Stuartovců na trůn. Ve Skotsku se jakobité zapletli do posledních konfliktů klanového systému a díky tomu přetrvávají dodnes jen v romantických vzpomínkách. Emblémem jakobitů je bílá růže Yorků; den Bílé růže je slaven 10. června, na výročí narození Jakuba Františka Stuarta v roce 1688.
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