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Upāli (Sanskrit and Pāli) was a monk, one of the ten chief disciples of the Buddha and, according to early Buddhist texts, the person in charge of the reciting and reviewing of monastic discipline (Pāli and Sanskrit: vinaya) on the First Buddhist Council. Upāli was born a low-caste barber. He met the Buddha when still a child, and later, when the Sakya princes received ordination, he did so as well. He was ordained before the princes, putting humility before caste. Having been ordained, Upāli learnt both Buddhist doctrine (Pali: Dhamma; Sanskrit: Dharma) and vinaya. His preceptor was Kappitaka. Upāli became known for his mastery and strictness of vinaya and was consulted often about vinaya matters. A notable case he decided was that of the monk Ajjuka, who was accused of partisanship in a

  • Buddhism
  • Upali (Sanskrit: उपालि, upāli) war einer der zehn Hauptjünger Gotama Buddhas, des Begründers des Buddhismus. Bevor er dem Orden beitrat, arbeitete er als Barbier der Shakya. Er fragte den Buddha, ob jemand mit einer „niederen Stellung von Geburt an“ (Kaste) dem Orden beitreten könne. Der Buddha ordinierte ihn noch vor den Prinzen und bat die Prinzen, dem nun Heiligen Upali Ehrerbietung zu erweisen. Upali war ein Als-Hörer-Erwachter (Pali: savakabuddha) oder Arhat geworden, er erlangte Buddhaschaft (Befreiung von allen zehn Fesseln: Persönlichkeitsglaube, Zweifel an der Lehre, Hängen an Regeln und Riten, sinnliches Begehren, Ärger, Begehren nach formhaftem Dasein, Begehren nach formlosem Dasein, Stolz, Zerstreutheit) durch das Hören einer Lehrrede des Buddha, als er ihm die Haare rasierte. Er wurde der Hauptjünger im Wissen um die Ordensregeln und Führende im Einhalten der Ordensvorschriften und seine diesbezüglichen Entscheidungen wurden vom Buddha gerühmt. Auf dem ersten Buddhistischen Konzil (Rajagriha) wurde ihm die Rezension der Ordensregeln, des Vinayapitaka, anvertraut.
  • 우팔리(산스크리트어: उपालि, 팔리어: Upali) 또는 우바리(優波離)는 석가의 십대제자의 한 명. 지률제일로 칭해졌다.
  • Upali était un disciple important de Gautama Bouddha. Il était barbier et ne pensait pas, du fait de sa basse caste, pouvoir devenir un disciple de l'Éveillé, alors que pour le Bouddha, quelle que soit son origine, la vie de moine est possible. Upali arriva au stade d'arhat et apprit l'intégralité de la première corbeille du canon pali : le Vinaya Pitaka ou Corbeille de la discipline. Il devint ainsi le premier maître dans cette discipline.
  • Upāli (en sánscrito: उपालि) era un monje budista, uno de los diez discípulos de Buda. Como barbero, jamás creyó que fuera a salir de su casta y hacerse elevado del maestro (Sangha. Hay varias versiones sobre su vida, pero en la literatura de todas las escuelas budistas, lo describen como un experto en disciplina monástica. En el Primer Consejo Budista, se encargó de recitar el vinaya.​ Upali fue discípulo del gran maestro indio "Mahavira", el maestro de la no violencia, pero al oír al Buda, Upali se convirtió en su discípulo hasta el final de sus dias.
  • 優婆離(梵:उपालि Upāli)又作优婆利,邬波离,优波离,忧波利。译曰近取,近执,罗汉名。悉达太子执事之人,持律第一之比丘。第一次結集時,他誦出了律藏,在《佛本行集经》五十三《优波离因缘品》有因緣記載。因緣 類似原因之意 另有一人,本为尼犍外道之弟子,見於《中阿含经》三十二《》所说。
  • Upáli (v sanskrtu उपालि - upāli) byl buddhistický mnich, učedník Gautamy Buddhy. Původně vykonával funkci holiče a kadeřníka u rodu Šákjů, ale později byl přijat mezi Buddhovy žáky. Těšil se zde výsadního postavení, jelikož byl přijat dříve než ostatní. Podle tradice to byl jedině Upáli, který dokonale znal řádová pravidla a během prvního buddhistického koncilu je všechny odříkal a odpovídal na veškeré dotazy mnichů, zejména Mahákášjapy. Jeho promluvy poté utvořily vinajapitaku, jednu ze tří částí Tipitaky.
  • Upāli (in sanscrito उपालि upāli) era un monaco, uno dei dieci principali discepoli del Buddha. Originariamente Upāli era un barbiere di una famiglia della casta Vaidya al servizio dei principi . Quando i principi lasciarono la casa per diventare monaci, anche Upali richiese l'ordinazione. Esistono diverse varianti della storia dell'ordinazione di Upāli, ma tutte sottolineano che il suo status nel Sangha era indipendente dalla sua casta di origine. Nella versione Pali, i principi permettono volontariamente a Upāli di essere ordinato prima di loro per conferirgli l'anzianità e abbandonare il proprio attaccamento alla casta e allo status sociale. In alcune versioni tibetane, Sariputra incoraggia Upāli a essere ordinato quando questi esita a causa della sua casta di origine. Nella letteratura di ogni scuola buddista, Upāli è raffigurato come un esperto di disciplina monastica e del codice monastico. Al primo concilio buddhista, gli fu chiesto di recitare il Vinaya e il codice monastico. Ha raggiunto lo stato di arhat prima della propria morte ed è considerato il "santo patrono" dei monaci specializzati nel Vinaya.
  • Upalio estis unu el la dek ĉefaj disĉiploj de la budho Gotamo, kaj la plej lerta pri disciplino.
  • 優波離(うぱり、うばり、梵/巴:Upāli ウパーリ)は、釈迦の十大弟子の一人である。元・理髪師であり、直弟子の中でも戒律に最も精通していたことから持律第一と称せられ、釈迦入滅後の第一結集では戒律編纂事業の中心を担った。 優波離の異訳としては、音写としては優婆離・烏波利・烏波梨・和利などが、意訳としては近執・近取などがあげられる。
  • Упали (санскр/ उपालि) — монах, считающийся одним из десяти главных учеников Будды Шакьямуни. До встречи с Буддой был цирюльником в Капилавасту. Был принят в буддийскую общину Буддой после положительного ответа на свой вопрос, может ли человек низкого происхождения, такой как он, удостоиться этого. Согласно легенде, первые просветления получил во время того, когда стриг Будду и получал от того наставления. Среди последователей Будды считался лучшим знатоком правил дисциплинарного характера и разъяснения заповедей. Принимал участие в Первом буддийском соборе и оказал помощь в составлении Винаи. Достигнув просветления Будда посетил Капилавасту. Вскоре после этого многие представители рода шакья решили оставить мирскую жизнь и последовать за ним. 6 царевичей, Ануруддха, Бхаддия, Ананда, Бхагу, Кимбила и Девадатта вместе с Упали, который был придворным цирюльником, покинули дворец. Сняв с себя украшения, они отдали их Упали и велели ему возвращаться домой. Но, рассудив, что его могут обвинить в убийстве, Упали повесил узел с драгоценностями на дерево и последовал за молодыми шакьями. Представ перед Татхагатой, шакьи попросили первым принять в монахи Упали и сделать его старшим над ними, чтобы смирить их гордыню.
  • Upāli (Sanskrit and Pāli) was a monk, one of the ten chief disciples of the Buddha and, according to early Buddhist texts, the person in charge of the reciting and reviewing of monastic discipline (Pāli and Sanskrit: vinaya) on the First Buddhist Council. Upāli was born a low-caste barber. He met the Buddha when still a child, and later, when the Sakya princes received ordination, he did so as well. He was ordained before the princes, putting humility before caste. Having been ordained, Upāli learnt both Buddhist doctrine (Pali: Dhamma; Sanskrit: Dharma) and vinaya. His preceptor was Kappitaka. Upāli became known for his mastery and strictness of vinaya and was consulted often about vinaya matters. A notable case he decided was that of the monk Ajjuka, who was accused of partisanship in a conflict about real estate. During the First Council, Upāli received the important role of reciting the vinaya, for which he is mostly known.His female counterpart was Patacara. Scholars have analyzed Upāli's role and that of other disciples in the early texts, and it has been suggested that his role in the texts was emphasized during a period of compiling that stressed monastic discipline, during which Mahākassapa (Sanskrit: Mahākāśyapa) and Upāli became the most important disciples. Later, Upāli and his pupils became known as vinayadharas (Pāli; 'custodians of the vinaya'), who preserved the monastic discipline after the Buddha's parinibbāna (Sanskrit: parinirvāṇa; passing into final Nirvana). This lineage became an important part of the identity of Ceylonese and Burmese Buddhism. In China, the 7th-century Vinaya school referred to Upāli as their patriarch, and it was believed that one of their founders was a reincarnation of him. The technical conversations about vinaya between the Buddha and Upāli were recorded in the Pāli and Sarvāstivāda traditions and have been suggested as an important subject of study for modern-day ethics in American Buddhism.
  • Upāli (en sánscrito: उपालि) era un monje budista, uno de los diez discípulos de Buda. Como barbero, jamás creyó que fuera a salir de su casta y hacerse elevado del maestro (Sangha. Hay varias versiones sobre su vida, pero en la literatura de todas las escuelas budistas, lo describen como un experto en disciplina monástica. En el Primer Consejo Budista, se encargó de recitar el vinaya.​ Upali fue discípulo del gran maestro indio "Mahavira", el maestro de la no violencia, pero al oír al Buda, Upali se convirtió en su discípulo hasta el final de sus días.
  • ( 다른 뜻에 대해서는 우바리 (리비아) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 우팔리(산스크리트어: उपालि, 팔리어: Upali) 또는 우바리(優波離)는 석가의 십대제자의 한 명. 지률제일로 칭해졌다.
  • Upāli (Sanskrit and Pāli) was a monk, one of the ten chief disciples of the Buddha and, according to early Buddhist texts, the person in charge of the reciting and reviewing of monastic discipline (Pāli and Sanskrit: vinaya) on the First Buddhist Council. Upāli was born a low-caste barber. He met the Buddha when still a child, and later, when the Sakya princes received ordination, he did so as well. He was ordained before the princes, putting humility before caste. Having been ordained, Upāli learnt both Buddhist doctrine (Pali: Dhamma; Sanskrit: Dharma) and vinaya. His preceptor was Kappitaka. Upāli became known for his mastery and strictness of vinaya and was consulted often about vinaya matters. A notable case he decided was that of the monk Ajjuka, who was accused of partisanship in a conflict about real estate. During the First Council, Upāli received the important role of reciting the vinaya, for which he is mostly known. Scholars have analyzed Upāli's role and that of other disciples in the early texts, and it has been suggested that his role in the texts was emphasized during a period of compiling that stressed monastic discipline, during which Mahākassapa (Sanskrit: Mahākāśyapa) and Upāli became the most important disciples. Later, Upāli and his pupils became known as vinayadharas (Pāli; 'custodians of the vinaya'), who preserved the monastic discipline after the Buddha's parinibbāna (Sanskrit: parinirvāṇa; passing into final Nirvana). This lineage became an important part of the identity of Ceylonese and Burmese Buddhism. In China, the 7th-century Vinaya school referred to Upāli as their patriarch, and it was believed that one of their founders was a reincarnation of him. The technical conversations about vinaya between the Buddha and Upāli were recorded in the Pāli and Sarvāstivāda traditions and have been suggested as an important subject of study for modern-day ethics in American Buddhism.
  • Upāli, Bodh Gaya, India
  • Упали (санскр/ उपालि) — монах, считающийся одним из десяти главных учеников Будды Шакьямуни. До встречи с Буддой был цирюльником в Капилавасту. Был принят в буддийскую общину Буддой после положительного ответа на свой вопрос, может ли человек низкого происхождения, такой как он, удостоиться этого. Согласно легенде, первые просветления получил во время того, когда стриг Будду и получал от того наставления. Среди последователей Будды считался лучшим знатоком правил дисциплинарного характера и разъяснения заповедей. Принимал участие в Первом буддийском соборе и оказал помощь в составлении Винаи.
  • Upāli (Sanskrit and Pāli) was a monk, one of the ten chief disciples of the Buddha and, according to early Buddhist texts, the person in charge of the reciting and reviewing of monastic discipline (Pāli and Sanskrit: vinaya) on the First Buddhist Council. Upāli was born a low-caste barber. He met the Buddha when still a child, and later, when the Sakya princes received ordination, he did so as well. He was ordained before the princes, putting humility before caste. Having been ordained, Upāli learnt both Buddhist doctrine (Pali: Dhamma; Sanskrit: Dharma) and vinaya. His preceptor was Kappitaka. Upāli became known for his mastery and strictness of vinaya and was consulted often about vinaya matters. A notable case he decided was that of the monk Ajjuka, who was accused of partisanship in a
  • 우팔리(산스크리트어: उपालि, 팔리어: Upali) 또는 우바리(優波離)는 석가의 십대제자의 한 명. 지률제일로 칭해졌다.
  • Upali était un disciple important de Gautama Bouddha. Il était barbier et ne pensait pas, du fait de sa basse caste, pouvoir devenir un disciple de l'Éveillé, alors que pour le Bouddha, quelle que soit son origine, la vie de moine est possible. Upali arriva au stade d'arhat et apprit l'intégralité de la première corbeille du canon pali : le Vinaya Pitaka ou Corbeille de la discipline. Il devint ainsi le premier maître dans cette discipline.
  • Upāli (en sánscrito: उपालि) era un monje budista, uno de los diez discípulos de Buda. Como barbero, jamás creyó que fuera a salir de su casta y hacerse elevado del maestro (Sangha. Hay varias versiones sobre su vida, pero en la literatura de todas las escuelas budistas, lo describen como un experto en disciplina monástica. En el Primer Consejo Budista, se encargó de recitar el vinaya.​ Upali fue discípulo del gran maestro indio "Mahavira", el maestro de la no violencia, pero al oír al Buda, Upali se convirtió en su discípulo hasta el final de sus dias.
  • Upāli (in sanscrito उपालि upāli) era un monaco, uno dei dieci principali discepoli del Buddha. Originariamente Upāli era un barbiere di una famiglia della casta Vaidya al servizio dei principi . Quando i principi lasciarono la casa per diventare monaci, anche Upali richiese l'ordinazione.
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